Chapter 326

"Just kidding, how is it possible?" Chi Liuli laughed disdainfully, "Don't say that you can take the first place in the class, if you can't be the last in the class in the monthly test, it's amazing. It's the elite."

"Then you have to work hard." Chi Yunxi said.

It felt like she was going to be the last one if she didn't work hard.

Chi Liuli was so angry that she wanted to pat the table again.

But the classmates were all looking at them, and she didn't want people to see her so fierce.

Chi Liuli got up with a snort and walked out of the classroom.

As soon as Chi Liuli left, those behind her ran over with a whoosh, and surrounded her.

"Yunxi Yunxi, add a WeChat."

"Yes, we have classmate groups, join our group."

"Is it a group where the whole class is in?" Chi Yunxi asked.

"Yes, everyone is here." The boy said.

"Okay, I'll join." Chi Yunxi nodded, took out his mobile phone and asked them for a group number, and joined the classmate group.

As soon as Chiyunxi joined the group, more than 20 friends sent verification messages.

Her cell phone buzzed suddenly.

The boys around were holding their mobile phones and waiting for her to pass the verification.

Chi Yunxi got up with her mobile phone and said, "I'm going to the bathroom, let me go."

When Chi Yunxi stood up, she was taller than several boys.

The tallest boy in the class is only 1.8 meters three.

As for the others, there are only two around 1.7 meters five.

The others are between 1.6m1.7 and [-]m[-].

In general, the height is generally short.

As soon as Chiyunxi left, they automatically moved out of the way. This aura made them a little afraid to get too close.

After Chi Yunxi walked out, he passed slowly one by one, and then blocked them from viewing Moments.

A female student in the class ran up and asked, "Yunxi, are you going to the bathroom?"

"Go." Chi Yunxi replied, looking at the girl.

He is about 1.6 meters tall and looks pretty good-looking. He is wearing a school uniform and looks very friendly.

"I'll be with you."

"Well, what's your name?"

"My name is Fang Ziyan. All the students in the class call me Xiaoyan. I am the monitor of class one. The students in our class are very good. You can ask me or everyone if you have any questions in the future."

Chi Yunxi nodded and smiled, "Okay, thank you."

No wonder she was very friendly, she turned out to be the leader of the first class, no wonder she was very personable.

Chi Yunxi walked to the bathroom with her.

By the way, ask her for class notes.

The class leader is very kind. When school is over, he takes all her class notes of general subjects home for her to read.

As soon as school was over, Chiyunxi was surrounded by a group of boys.

"Yunxi, let's have dinner together."

"No, I'll go home and read." Chi Yunxi said.

Those boys did not give up and followed her out of the school gate.

"Don't you really want to eat together? When can't you read the book? You have to eat quickly." The boy said.

As soon as Chi Yunxi left the school gate, he saw the Hummer parked beside the school gate.

Gu Jingting got off the car, saw her holding several notebooks, and walked over.

As soon as Gu Jingting appeared, he felt that the atmosphere in this circle was not right.

Those 20-year-old boys were all dumbfounded.

Looking at Gu Jingting's strong muscles, their small arms and legs felt pressure.

Immediately stopped and did not dare to move on.

Gu Jingting glanced at them, his serious manly demeanor had a majestic feeling of an elder.

Those 20-year-old boys were too scared to approach.

As soon as Gu Jingting approached, he reached out and took those notebooks from her chest.

Looking at her, he asked, "Does the wound hurt?"

"It's okay." Chi Yunxi said.

Looking back at those boys, he asked with a friendly smile, "Students, why don't you come to dinner with us?"

The boys immediately shook their heads.

Embarrassed, he said, "No need, no need..."

"Let's go first..."


Several boys quickly turned their heads and walked to the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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