Chapter 633

"Why not? You are with him every day, you have the best chance, but have you done it yet?"

"What I want is in the future, if I do this to him, even if I can do it, how can I get out? How can I be with you? I'm just waiting, waiting for an opportunity, so that Gu Mingchen will die without anyone noticing." Now, I can retreat completely, so I can be with you." Ling Rui explained.

"You are selfish." Duan Binger said angrily, "You say you love me, but it is your selfishness. You want to have the best of both worlds and everything is good, but you don't want to take risks and ask me to sacrifice. I won't love you." Yours, Ling Rui, give up your heart."

"Bing'er, I really love you. Since I was a child, I have never changed my mind. I dare not say, I dare not express anything, because I know you don't love me. You have always loved Gu Mingchen. How much grievance, how much insult, you are willing to get close to him, what can I do? I can only choose to watch from the side, and I will make a move, will you talk to me? No."

"What about you? You just want to take revenge on him. Do you really want to be with me? You just want to use me to deal with him. You don't care about my hanging work at all." Ling Rui said sadly .

Duan Binger looked at him with a sneer, gritted her teeth and said: "You and him are the same person, if I don't love him, how can I love you."

Such cruel words made Ling Rui's heart ache.

But because loving her has always been my belief, even if I get hurt, I still don't want to give up.

Taking a step back and wronging myself, I still want to be with her.

Even if you are not loved.

Ling Rui lowered his posture and said: "I know you are emotionally unstable now, and you won't have a good talk with me, but I hope you know that I really love you and really want to have a future with you, even though we may think about it The angle and starting point are different, but this does not affect my love for you. Binger, you should think carefully, you still have a long life, and there are many possibilities in the future, don’t waste yourself on this matter.”

Duan Binger looked at Ling Rui, she couldn't listen to any persuasion now.

She turned her back to him and said in a cold voice, "you go."



"Okay." Ling Rui had no choice but to turn around and leave first.

Ling Yunruo and Gu Xiao came to look for Gu Mingchen together.

Gu Mingchen was quite surprised that his parents would come to him together, but such a grand appearance must not be a good thing.

"Why come to me when you have time?" Gu Mingchen asked, and poured two cups of tea for the two elders.

Ling Yunruo and Gu Xiao sat on the sofa and looked at his house.

Gu Xiao said, "Mingchen, you have lived alone for many years."

"Well, I'm used to it, what's the matter?" Gu Mingchen already knew the purpose of their visit, and it was nothing more than to let him get married and have children quickly.

"It doesn't matter if you are busy. Parents can help you with some things." Gu Xiao said.

Ling Yunruo immediately went on to say: "Yes, when the baby is born, parents will take care of it for you. You can rest assured to work and don't worry about it."

"What child?" Gu Mingchen heard the clue, the married woman mentioned the child before she mentioned it.

This is so suspicious.

Gu Xiao winked at Ling Yunruo, Ling Yunruo smiled and said to Gu Mingchen: "Bing'erhuai is pregnant, we just want to..."

Before Ling Yunruo finished speaking, Gu Mingchen immediately said coldly, "It's not mine."

Ling Yunruo and Gu Xiao were stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise, "How do you know it's not yours?"

(End of this chapter)

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