Chapter 634

Gu Xiao said: "You can't be irresponsible, Bing'er has been with you for so many years, who owns the child if it's not yours?"

Gu Mingchen sneered and said, "After being together for a long time, the child is mine? There are many people who have been with me for a long time, and anyone will have my child because they have been together for a long time? Then you can ask Ling Rui if he has my child." children."

"You...why do you talk like that?" Gu Xiao said angrily.

"This child is not mine, that's a fact. As for who it is, you can ask her yourself. If there is nothing else, I will go to work." After Gu Mingchen finished speaking, he turned around and was about to go out.

"Stop!" Gu Xiao shouted.

"What else?" Gu Mingchen asked.

"Have you and Bing'er ever had a relationship?" Gu Xiao asked angrily, his attitude really made people angry.

"There are too many men she's had with, and I'm just one of them." Gu Mingchen looked back at them, frowning deliberately, as if he was the one who was wronged.

Now she has a child with someone else, and she wants to rely on him.

He is a victim.

When Gu Mingchen said this, Gu Xiao and Ling Yunruo hesitated. The two elders who wanted Duan Binger to marry into the family before felt a little uncomfortable.

If Bing'er's private life was really chaotic, how could they accept her as the daughter-in-law of the Gu family?

"Mingchen, how do you know that the child is not yours? What happened to you and Bing'er?" Ling Yunruo asked.

Gu Mingchen turned around, looked at the two of them spreading their hands, and said helplessly: "I have had an examination, and the doctor said that it is impossible for me to conceive any woman. How could the child in Binger's belly be mine?"

"Then why didn't you go for treatment? Is the problem serious?" Ling Yunruo asked.

"It's not serious. When you want a child, you can just clear it up. Anyway, if you don't want a child now, just block it." Gu Mingchen said without hesitation. Seeing the particularly ugly faces of his parents, he leaned She smiled and said: "I'll trouble my parents to deal with Duan Binger's matter. If she talks nonsense's not good."

Gu Mingchen walked out after finishing speaking.

Ling Yunruo and Gu Xiao glanced at each other, and both of them sighed.

How did things become like this?

I was looking forward to the arrival of a child with all my heart, but it turned out like this.

"We have to investigate carefully before making a decision," Gu Xiao said.

What if this is just Gu Mingchen's scheme?

They and the Duan family have also been good friends for many years, so they can't make this relationship stalemate.

"Binger loves to follow Mingchen since she was a child. Everyone can see this. How can Binger be with others?" Ling Yunruo couldn't figure it out.

"It's better to investigate and make a decision first." Gu Xiao said.

After Gu Mingchen left home, he called Ling Rui.

"Where is Duan Binger?"

Ling Rui paused there for a long time before saying, "She's in the hotel."

"You're with her?"

"I...received a call from my wife an hour ago. My wife said that Bing'erhuai is pregnant. I just wanted to check on the situation and was about to call the chairman."

"Let her abort the child, and don't cause trouble for me, or I'll send her family to hell!" Gu Mingchen gritted his teeth, and died on the phone with a rage.

"He really said that?" Duan Binger looked at Ling Rui who had gone and returned, and fell down on the sofa.

"He doesn't even want his own child, is he still human?" Duan Binger said painfully.

"Maybe...he knows the child is not his, Bing'er, the child is probably mine." Ling Rui grabbed her shoulders and said seriously.

"No...not yours..."

(End of this chapter)

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