Chapter 723

The doctor is a young man, 27 years old, a few years older than Gu Jingting, and the two are also very good friends.

The doctor Xue Mowei also came to their wedding. When they met that day, Chi Yunxi was full of energy. Seeing him shocked him.

"Young master, what did sister-in-law eat to make it like this?"

"I went out to eat a Western meal. It was too complicated to alternate between hot and cold, sour and sweet." Gu Jingting said, "Look, it's been almost an hour since I was vomiting and diarrhea."

Xue Mowei came to the bed and said, "Sister-in-law, you have to turn over and lie on your back."

"I can't move." Chi Yunxi said weakly.

Gu Jingting came over and slowly turned her over.

Only then did Xue Mowei check with a stethoscope.

Feel her pulse again.

As soon as he felt his pulse, Chi Yunxi said, "Are you still a Chinese medicine doctor?"

"It's a combination of Chinese and Western medicine." Xue Mowei said with a smile.

Gu Jingting asked: "How is it?"

Xue Mowei took his pulse, and asked: "It's certain that you will have a bad stomach. I brought some medicine, young master, then I will trouble you, get a glass of warm water, wash this packet of medicine powder, and give it to my sister-in-law to drink. Stopping diarrhea can also stop vomiting, and it will be fine soon.”

"Okay." Gu Jingting turned around and went downstairs to get a bowl filled with warm water to make the medicine powder.

Xue Mowei continued to feel Chiyunxi's pulse.

Chi Yunxi asked a little strangely: "Do I have any other questions?"

The medicine has been prescribed, and the pulse is still being felt. Isn't there a problem?

"No, no, I'll just take a look, just take a look." Xue Mowei smiled and stopped.

It happened that Gu Jingting brought the medicine over.

He helped Chiyunxi up and asked her to drink the medicine.

Just after drinking the medicine, Gu Jingting asked, "How do you feel?"

Xue Mowei on the side said: "Elixir? It will work as soon as you take it? The medicine hasn't entered the stomach yet, wait a minute."

Chi Yunxi leaned against Gu Jingting's locust tree, feeling her whole body softened.

"Sister-in-law, I will write a recipe for you. From now on, you will eat according to the recipe to ensure that you are in good health." Xue Mowei said with a smile.

"I'm usually fine, but maybe I really ate too much today." Chi Yunxi said weakly.

Gu Jingting hugged her, touched her face, and said, "Take a rest when you're tired, your face is pale."

I really want to feel bad for her.

Two people ate the same thing, but she became like this.

He's fine.

Xue Mowei smiled, took the paper and pen on the table, and started writing.

When he finished writing, he put the paper and pen on the table, and said: "I have written the recipe and precautions here, young master, you can take a look at it later, I will leave first, without disturbing your rest." , my sister-in-law will be fine tonight, but it's better to go to the hospital tomorrow."

Xue Mowei spoke as if there was something in his words.

Chi Yunxi felt a little nervous.

When she felt the pulse just now, she felt that he had nothing to say.

Xue Mowei smiled and went out after speaking.

Chi Yunxi looked at Gu Jingting and winked at him.

Gu Jingting walked over and picked up the piece of paper he left behind to read.

The front is indeed a recipe, but a sentence is added at the back.

Abstinence tonight.

She was so sick that he would be inhuman if he couldn't restrain himself tonight.

"What did you write?" Chi Yunxi asked.

"Some useless ones." Gu Jingting said, and put down the paper.

He walked to the bed and sat down, looked at Chi Yunxi who was lying on the bed, whose face seemed a little better than before, and asked, "Is it better now?"

Chi Yunxi gave a hum, and said, "For the time being, I don't feel like throwing up or prostrating."

"That's good. Get some sleep and go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow." Gu Jingting said.

(End of this chapter)

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