Chapter 724

"Yeah." Chi Yunxi was weak, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Gu Jingting tidied up the room before going to bed and sleeping with her.

This time, Chi Yunxi slept soundly and did not wake up until dawn.

When I woke up, I felt my stomach was gurgling with hunger, and there was nothing in my stomach.

She had never felt such a deep hunger.

It was as if I had been hungry for more than ten days. My mind was already awake, but my body was still unable to move.

Chi Yunxi looked at the ceiling and thought he had sat up several times, but in fact, he was still lying down.

She reached out and grabbed Gu Jingting's arm.

Gu Jingting woke up as soon as she grabbed her.

"Are you awake?" Gu Jingting turned around and hugged her.

"Help me up, I'm so hungry, I can't move." Chi Yunxi said pitifully.

Gu Jingting felt a little sympathetic and a little cute.

Helped her up.

As soon as Chi Yunxi sat up, he let out a breath.

"Never been so hungry that I wanted to eat myself."

"I'm going to cook porridge, press it in the pressure cooker, and it will be ready to eat soon." Gu Jingting said.

"En." Chi Yunxi nodded.

Gu Jingting turned over and got out of bed, not caring about washing, and went downstairs to cook porridge.

Chi Yunxi sat for a long time before she had the strength to get out of bed. She staggered into the bathroom. After washing, she suddenly remembered something.

The feeling of not knowing which thread was suddenly connected to her brain made her suddenly stare at the sleeping cabinet under the sink.

There are aunt towels and many pregnancy test sticks in the cabinet.

No way?
Chi Yunxi opened the drawer and took out a pregnancy test stick.

"Yunxi." Gu Jingting's voice came from outside. "Are you OK?"

Chi Yunxi said, "No."

"Call me something."

"Hmm..." Chi Yunxi stood up slowly holding two pregnancy test sticks.

"My feet are numb." Chi Yunxi shouted.

Gu Jingting opened the door and came in.

As soon as he came over, Chi Yunxi handed him two pregnancy test sticks and said, "What does this mean?"

Gu Jingting brought over the two pregnancy test sticks, and was a little confused.

Look in your mind for the explanation you read at the beginning.

"There is no one bar, but there are two bars, is that so?" Gu Jingting asked uncertainly.

"I'm just asking you, I'm not sure." Chi Yunxi shook his head.

At this moment, Gu Jingting suddenly became a little uncertain.

"Wait for me." Gu Jingting said, turned around and strode out, then came in again with his mobile phone.

Chi Yunxi was a little apprehensive, and sat on the toilet seat to wait.

Gu Jingting flipped through his phone, compared the pregnancy test sticks twice, the expression on his face stiffened, and the corner of his mouth began to twitch into a smile.

Looking at his expression, Chi Yunxi felt certain in her heart.

"Yunxi, we have a baby." Gu Jingting threw the phone and the pregnancy test stick behind him, picked up Chiyunxi, turned around twice, and walked out.

Overwhelmed with joy in the spacious room.

Holding Chiyunxi in his arms, he walked up and down, turning around.

Excited speechless.

Chiyunxilou shook his neck, and hurriedly said: "Don't turn around, I'm dizzy, and I'm going to vomit again later."

Only then did Gu Jingting stop.

Looking at Chiyunxi's face, she was so happy that she didn't know what to say, so she could only lower her head and keep firming Chiyunxi's face and lips.

"Don't make my face drool... I hate it."

"Let's go to the hospital for a checkup." Gu Jingting said.

"Is the porridge ready?" Chi Yunxi asked.

"not yet."

"I'm hungry."

"I'll go down and look at the porridge." Gu Jingting said, and walked out of the room with Chi Yunxi in his arms.

"Can't you put me down first?" Chi Yunxi asked.

(End of this chapter)

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