Chapter 733

After Chiyunxihuai was pregnant, Gu Jingting waited for her thoughtfully.

And his parents also came to visit Chiyunxi twice a day, and brought her a lot of delicious food. Ding Xiao kept telling her funny stories about Gu Jingting's childhood.

Tell me how mischievous he was before.

Looking at his current appearance as the aloof young master, Chi Yunxi felt that he and the boy his mother spoke of were basically two people.

In order to be closer to Yunxi, Grandpa Chizhen also moved to live next door.

We often go for walks and chat together.

The life of this pregnant woman is very comfortable.

Even Wanjia often sends people to deliver things.

My grandpa and grandma came here twice as they got older, and they usually made phone calls and video chats.

Chi Kevin also took time out of his busy schedule to come and see her.

Chi Kaixin was less than Chi Kaiwen.

Guo Furong never came.

She didn't mind that.

It's just that recently, I heard that Chi Kevin has encountered some troubles in the company.

Chi Zhen intends to let Chi Kevin take over the company, giving him many opportunities.

But it is a big tree that attracts the wind.

It caused Chi Kaixin's displeasure.

So Chi Kaixin used his contacts to make things difficult for Kevin.

Chi Kaiwen was still optimistic, and when he got home, he saw Chi Kaixin and said hello.

In this way, it seemed that Chi Kaixin was really stingy.

Chi Zhen actually saw it all, but didn't say anything.

Both of them are adults, a lot of age, if they can't get over this setback, it's really too bad.

a few months later.

Early this morning, Chi Kaiwen came to visit Chi Yunxi with many gifts.

Chi Yunxi hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Second Uncle, are you busy recently? You seem to have lost weight."

"Of course I can't compare with you, you look really energetic now." Chi Kaiwen looked at Chi Yunxi and said.

"What kind of compliment is spirit?" Chi Yunxi asked amusedly.

"It's a lot rounder, her face is flushed, and her complexion is very good." Chi Kaiwen smiled, came over and bent down to look at Chi Yunxi's belly, and said, "It's so big."

"Yeah, it's about to give birth." Chi Yunxi said, she couldn't even bend the demon now.

My stomach is so big that it is not convenient to move around every day.

Seeing her like this, Gu Jingting didn't let her go anywhere.

Wherever I go, I support myself.

Chi Yunxi is walking up and down in the hall at the moment, and it is also very tiring to sit and lie down all day.

Gu Jingting is still her professional chef.

Now I am preparing to make a nutritious meal for her.

"Second Uncle, I eat six meals a day now." Chi Yunxi said in a low voice, saying this really frightened him.

"It's okay, isn't there two little guys to help you digest it?" Chi Kevin smiled, reaching out to touch it, but he was a little afraid.

Chi Yunxi grabbed his hand and placed it on her belly.

He smiled and said, "Babies, this is your grandpa Gu Difeng."

Chi Kaiwen is in his forties, has no wife, no children, and now touching Chi Yunxi's belly, he feels really happy.

"Am I going to be Gu Difeng's grandfather?"

It's so cool to be an uncle in your forties.

"That's right, Second Uncle is about to be promoted to be Gu Difeng's grandfather, and there will be two little ones pestering you to play with from now on."

"Okay, okay, that's great." Chi Kevin laughed until crow's feet appeared.

He thought to himself, it would be great if Wan Li could see this scene.

Chiyunxi's due date is the end of November.

It's really not easy to be pregnant in October.

The further you go to the back, the bigger the belly and the more uncomfortable the body.

The day of giving birth is getting closer.

Gu Jingting became more and more nervous, but Chi Yunxi was more relaxed.

I often say: "Ah, come out quickly, I am tired."

(End of this chapter)

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