Chapter 734

Finally made it to the week of my due date.

Gu Jingting took Chi Yunxi to the hospital.

I'm afraid that something might happen.

By the end, her belly was really big, and she already felt a little hard to breathe.

After dinner that night, Chi Yunxi felt sick to his stomach.

The doctor came to see her and said she was about to give birth.

got the news.

The Gu family, the scolding family, and the Wan family all sent people to watch over them.

Gu Jingting changed into sanitary clothes and followed the doctor to accompany the delivery.

At first, Chi Yunxi was quite cheerful playing with her mobile phone, wanting to take a selfie.

Unexpectedly, the next second her stomach ached and she cried out.

Gu Jingting was holding her hand beside him, really wanting to give birth to this child for her.

"Yunxi, it will be fine soon, squeeze it hard." Gu Jingting said nervously.

It's been a long time, and he has not seen the child come out yet, so he is a little anxious.

Two experienced obstetricians and gynecologists were nearby, telling her how to breathe and how to exert force.

After half an hour, Chi Yunxi finally took a breath and gave birth to the baby.

There was a cry of a baby.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"There's one more..." Chi Yunxi felt really unwilling to do it again.

"This is very fast, come again." The doctor said.

Outside the delivery room.

A large group of people were waiting, and Xiongguo was lying on the door. Hearing the cry of the child, he immediately turned back excitedly and said, "I have given birth, I heard the cry of the child."

"Really? That's great, that's great, thank God." Chi Zhen clasped his hands together excitedly, and bowed to the ceiling.

Chi Kaiwen and Chi Kaixin stood aside, and Chi Kaixin, who had never cared much about Chiyunxi, felt joy at this moment.

He is about to upgrade to be a grandfather.

It is certainly a joy to have children of your own.

The arrival of a new life filled everyone with joy.

After Chi Yunxi gave birth, he fell asleep before he had time to take a look.

Gu Jingting glanced at the two children and touched their little faces.

It just feels so small, so pitifully small.

It was as small as a slap in the face.

The two children cried as soon as they came out.

Gu Jingting turned his head to look at Chi Yunxi, and wanted to show her the baby, but found that she had already fallen asleep.

So I told the doctor: "You guys wash the child first, how is Yunxi?"

Gu Jingting asked the doctor who was changing Chiyunxi's drip.

"Young master, madam is fine, just tired."

"That's good." Gu Jingting walked over, held Chi Yunxi's hand, and said to the sleeping girl, "Yunxi, our baby is born."

Chi Yunxi didn't have the strength to open his eyes, but he grabbed his hand and gave it a little force, then he let go and fell asleep completely.

When Chi Yunxi woke up, it was already night.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Gu Jingting sitting beside her, holding her hand and looking at her.

"Yunxi, you're awake."

Gu Jingting immediately got up and sat on the edge of the bed, leaned over and kissed her forehead, and said gratefully and distressed: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, what about the child?" Chi Yunxi asked.

"All sleeping." Gu Jingting looked to the side, where there were two small beds side by side, and the two little ones were sleeping in it.

The two of them are, sleeping means falling asleep together, waking up means waking up together, crying means crying together.

It is simply divine synchronization.

"Show me." Chi Yunxi said.

Gu Jingting got up to pick up the two children and put them beside her.

Chi Yunxi turned sideways, looking at the two little guys.

The newborn child, whose face is not even opened, is as small as a fist.

Can't tell who it looks like at all.

"It's so small, thanks to my big belly." Chi Yunxi said.

"It's all amniotic fluid." Gu Jingting said.

"Are they all healthy? Are there any problems? Have they been checked?" Chi Yunxi asked.

"Don't worry, you're very healthy, there's nothing wrong with it." Gu Jingting said, he possessed her and looked at her with a happy face.

Chi Yunxi looked at the two children, tears streaming down suddenly.

"Don't cry." Gu Jingting said distressedly.

(End of this chapter)

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