Chapter 102 Men and women have private interests (3)

Yun Qian felt that Yun Yan's head must have been kicked by a donkey, and it was fine to pinch her at home, but she still looked like this outside, so she just pretended not to hear.

Yun Yan turned her head and stared at Yun Yan, Ye Wuyan's eyes fell on Yun Qian's body, her eyes were thoughtful.

Chu Mo felt that Chu Han's appearance today was too embarrassing, so he immediately ordered someone to send him back.

This little episode didn't spoil everyone's interest in enjoying the flowers. As soon as Chu Han left, everyone seemed to have forgotten about it.

Ye Wuyan walked up to Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Brother Yuan, when did you come back?"

Ye Wuyan and Chu Yuanzhou have known each other since childhood. Chu Yuanzhou was in poor health when he was a child, and he was fostered in Qingfengguan for a period of time. At that time, Ye Wuyan also happened to be in Qingfengguan for treatment, so the two had known each other since childhood. After growing up, there is a defense between men and women, but they have never met each other, but they can be regarded as acquaintances.

Ye Wuyan has liked Chu Yuanzhou since she was a child, and has been looking forward to Chu Yuanzhou's coming to propose marriage. She didn't want to wait for many years, and there was no news of Chu Yuanzhou.This time, as soon as Chu Yuanzhou returned to the capital, she heard that he went to Yunfu to propose marriage, and she has always been worried about this matter.

She looked at Chu Yuanzhou holding Yunqian's hands, and there was a hint of anger in her eyes.

Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile: "It's been a while since you came back, how is Sister Wuyan doing?"

"Very good." Ye Wuyan smiled and said, "Who is this girl?"

Chu Yuanzhou replied: "She is my fiancée, Miss Fifth of Yunfu."

Ye Wuyan took a look at Yun Qian and said, "I've admired Miss Yun Wu for a long time, Brother Yuan is an outstanding figure, I think Miss Yun Wu must have something special too, right?"

Yun Qian secretly called it unlucky, she felt that Ye Wuyan and Chu Yuanzhou were a bit ambiguous based on a woman's intuition, she had no intention of cutting off Chu Yuanzhou's peach blossoms, but she also didn't want to be an archery target inexplicably, she said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay. "

But Ye Wuyan didn't let her go at all, and asked after pursing her lips with a smile: "Miss Yun Wu is not familiar with female training rings?"

Yun Qian replied: "I have seen it, but I have almost forgotten it."

"Miss Yun Wu is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?" Ye Wuyan asked again.

Yun Qian replied, "Not good at all."

"In this way, it must be Miss Yun Wu who is proficient in female celebrities?" Ye Wuyan's eyes were full of disdain.

Yun Qian yawned and said, "I'm impatient and can't sit still, so I don't know how to be a girl."

Her words immediately aroused ridicule from everyone, but she didn't take it seriously.

Ye Wuyan covered her ears and lips with a smile and said, "So Miss Yun Wu knows nothing?"

"It's just two things that you don't know." Yunqian had little interest in such extremely boring questions as Ye Wuyan.

"May I ask what two things Miss Yun Wu can't do?" Ye Wuyan asked with a smile: "If I remember correctly, there are more than two things Miss Yun Wu said she can't know just now."

Yun Qian said indifferently: "It's not like this, and it's not like that. The things Miss Ye said don't belong to this, they belong to that."

As soon as her words came out, muffled chuckles burst out from all around.

Ye Wuyan also felt something interesting, and immediately asked: "Then what is Miss Yun Wu good at?"

Yun Qian felt that she was being unreasonable, and she was a little bit angry in her heart, so she said unhurriedly: "I am the best at writing divorce letters, and I wrote brother Ling's divorce letter. He didn't want to marry me, but my After finishing the written divorce, Brother Ling insisted on marrying me home with ten thousand gold, which shows how wonderful my written divorce is."

(End of this chapter)

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