Chapter 103 Men and women have private interests (4)

Ye Wuyan originally came to humiliate Yun Qian, but she didn't expect her to answer like this. The matter between Ye Wuchen and Yun Qian has been aroused in the capital recently, and almost everyone knows it. She heard mocking sounds from all around. , Her face suddenly felt a little helpless.

Yun Qian smiled and said: "Ladies, if you are engaged and you are not satisfied with the person you are engaged to, you can come to Yefu to find me, and I can write a divorce letter for you for free, and I will guarantee that you will earn money." Save face, no, you can make money back if you can.”

The laughter all around suddenly became louder, and Ye Wuyan's face turned pale with anger.

Chu Yuanzhou wanted to laugh when he heard Yun Qian's words, but Ye Wuyan and Yun Qian were Yun Qian's opponents.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "Everyone is a little tired after thinking about it, so we all went to Taoranting to rest for a while."

Ye Wuyan walked away bitterly, Chu Mo asked Yunyan, "Your sister seems to be a little different from the rumors."

Yun Yan said softly: "Fifth Sister has been smart since she was a child, but unfortunately she was infected with madness and went crazy yesterday. When she is not crazy, she is really the smartest woman in the world."

Chu Mo's eyes deepened and he asked again: "When will she get sick?"

"The doctor said that it will happen when you are stimulated." Yun Yan replied in a tone full of worry and pity, playing the image of an elegant and kind sister.

Chu Mo nodded slightly, and did not speak again.

There are a lot of cakes and fruits in the Taoranting Pavilion, and there is a spring outside the pavilion. It is said that the water in the spring is the most suitable for making tea.

Yunqian saw a purple weed growing beside the spring, and with just one glance, she saw that the herb had extremely high medicinal value and was often used as an introduction to various poisons. It is hard to find in the 21st century.

Chu Yuanzhou and Chu Mo were gossiping, and she didn't want to hear what they were talking about, so she walked over to look at the grass.

She was the only one who walked over, and Ye Wuyan also followed.

Yun Qian gently pulled the grass away, and when she was about to pull the grass, she heard Ye Wuyan say: "The prince and the third prince are drinking tea here, if there is no sound of the piano, it will be too monotonous, I would like to play the piano for a while." To help tea flourish."

Chu Yuanzhou and Chu Mo naturally applauded. Ye Wuyan's piano skills are outstanding. After the end of the song, everyone applauded repeatedly. The other ladies thought this was the best opportunity to show their talents, and many people were eager to try it for a while.

But Ye Wuyan said: "I have heard that Fifth Miss Yun is very good at piano, why don't you come and play a piece?"

Everyone's eyes immediately fell on Yunqian. Yunqian had told Ye Wuyan earlier that she didn't know how to play the piano. Ye Wuyan was provocative by doing so at this time. She took the comfrey Put it away, and then said lightly: "I'm not a girl performing in a brothel, why do I play the piano in public?"

In this dynasty, literati entertained themselves by playing the qin, and often met friends by playing the qin. It seemed a bit frivolous for a woman to play the qin in front of others.

Ye Wuyan's face was a bit ugly, Chu Mo said with a smile: "You don't have to stick to the common world when viewing flowers today, if the person Yuan Zhou likes has something special, Fifth Miss doesn't have to refuse."

When he said that, Yun Qian had to play the piano.

Chu Yuanzhou said from the side: "I have an appointment with Qianqian, she will only play the piano for me in this life, please forgive me, Third Prince."

After hearing his words, Yunqian knew that he was trying to save her, and felt that this bastard would finally be able to speak human words.

Chu Mo glanced at Yun Qian and said, "Has Yuan Zhou heard Miss Yun Wu play the piano?"

(End of this chapter)

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