Chapter 1025 How to celebrate the New Year
After Su Changqing's incident was exposed this time, apart from recognizing Lu Zhu's true face, the king of Chu was most pleased to see Chu Yuanzhou's ability and means. Chu Yuanzhou's behavior really resembled it very much. Him in his youth.

For a while, King Chu felt various emotions.

Soon the New Year's Eve was approaching, and because of Su Qiaohui's funeral, Yunqian didn't have the time to buy New Year's goods, and Princess Chu was in good health, but she was still afraid of the cold. Earlier, someone asked her about the New Year's goods. She didn't care about it at all, and Lu Zhu was restrained. No one could enter the Buddhist hall. The king of Chu never cared about the details of the palace, so naturally no one was going to prepare for the New Year. But some of the New Year's goods were not purchased.

In the past, every year when the new year came, the palace would always prepare a new year's utensils.

As soon as Yunqian returned to the palace, the steward came to ask Yunqian for instructions: "Concubine Shizi, this is the list of New Year's goods in previous years. May I ask Concubine Shizi to buy new year's goods this year as usual?"

Yun Qian took the list and glanced at it. After just one glance, she felt dizzy. There were a lot of things listed on the list, ranging from palace utensils to seasonal fruits and vegetables, from exotic treasures to local specialties.Not to mention how much money it would cost to buy those things, when she saw the dense numbers, she would get annoyed first.

She frowned and said: "I'm not in charge of the middle class of the palace, how can I be in charge of these things? You should go ask the princess for instructions!"

The steward sighed and said: "I don't know the princess. The princess never likes to meddle in the trivial matters in the palace. In the past, when the road side concubine didn't enter the palace, the princess only gave some money to the servants in the palace every year during the Chinese New Year. Then let me prepare things for half a month according to the usual food and drink expenses in the palace, that's all. The prince said more than once before that it is too shabby to do so. When the crown prince was not in the palace, I also went to ask for instructions I passed the princess, the princess said she was not feeling well, and she didn't care about the affairs of the palace."

When Yun Qian heard this, she understood that Princess Chu was nice to the servants in the palace before, but she didn't care about things. Now that she is recovering from her illness, she doesn't want to take care of the affairs of the palace.

When she was in Yunfu, she was just an unfavorable concubine. Although she had seen the New Year in Yunfu, she didn't participate in it. She didn't pay attention to what Su Qiaohui bought, so naturally she didn't know.

At this time, when the steward asked her like this, she really didn't know how the aristocrats in Beijing like the Chu Palace spent the New Year.

And now she is not in charge of the imperial court, so she might be accused by the servants if she intervenes at this time, so she immediately said: "I am just the crown prince, and I don't participate in the imperial palace, so you should ask your father! "

The steward said with a bitter face: "I have already asked, the prince said that the courtship in the palace is a woman's business, and he will not interfere."

Yun Qian raised her eyebrows when she heard this sentence. The king of Chu apologized to her first, and then said something like this. Does this mean that he wants her to be in charge of Zhongfu?Originally, according to the rules of the Great Zhou Dynasty, after the new daughter-in-law enters the house, if the mother-in-law is willing to hand over power, she can take charge of the central government in the mansion, but in the Chu Palace, Lu Zhu has always been in charge of the affairs of the mansion, and she only needs to take care of it. Fortunately, everything in her room is fine, and she is not interested in those trivial facts in the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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