Chapter 1026 Is a Boyfriend
Yun Qian thought about it carefully, and felt that the King of Chu locked Lu Zhu up but didn't say who would be in charge of Zhongfei. During these days, the King of Chu has been ignoring these trivial matters, and he might do this now to let Princess Chu take power again. .

It's just that the King of Chu and Princess Chu have always been at odds?How could you want Princess Chu to regain power?
She suddenly felt that King Chu's tortuous thoughts were really annoying, and she really couldn't figure out what was going on with King Chu and Princess Chu, and it was really annoying when this matter happened to her.

She coughed lightly and said, "Did you always buy according to the list in previous years?"

"Yes." The steward replied, "It's just that it's only two days before Chinese New Year, even if I go shopping, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Chu Yuanzhou looked at Yun Qian's frown from the side, and knew that she was not very interested in these trivial matters in the palace, so he reached out to take the list and looked at it: "The concubine Luside's family is rich, and she usually spends a lot of money on weekdays." Money is a big waste, and a lot of things on this list are used to give gifts and manage relations between the DPRK and China. This year, the Huai River was hit by a catastrophe, and the emperor asked the harem to be frugal. I heard that the expenses in the palace were cut in half. How can we still be as extravagant and wasteful as before?"

After he finished speaking, he said disdainfully: "Ten catties of blood swallows, you won't be afraid of diarrhea if you eat so much! Twenty pieces of tencel, you won't be afraid of freezing to death if you wear them in this cold weather! There is such a large row of dried scallops, and the silver is used as soil Is it? There are also local products from various places, this is not the way to taste fresh food, okay?"

When he said this, the steward was not good at talking, so he just lowered his head and said: "Lu Fangfei likes these things, Xueyan and Tiansi are used by her for the nobles in Beijing, and the Tiansi was sent in by Lufu Yes, it doesn't cost money, those dry goods and local products are also brought in by the Lu Mansion, the prince likes to eat sea cucumbers the most, so the Lu Manor will send a lot of them in every Chinese New Year."

After the steward explained this, the Yunqian Chu Yuanzhou glanced at each other, and there was a bit of disdain in the eyes of the two of them, and there was a gloomy look in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes: "In this way, the Lu Mansion is really not ordinary. Dafang, what's the matter? This year the concubine Luside was imprisoned in the Buddhist hall, so why don't they come to pay respects to the Chu Palace?"

The steward replied: "A few days ago, the Lu Mansion sent people to ask to see Concubine Lu, and they were very annoyed when they learned that Concubine Lu was imprisoned in the Buddhist hall. At that time, there was a commotion in the palace. Nobody knows."

Chu Yuanzhou sneered and said, "If you dare to come to Prince Chu's Mansion to make trouble, the people in Lu Mansion really have the ability and courage!"

The steward saw that Chu Yuanzhou was already angry, so he couldn't say much at the moment, Yun Qian asked from the side, "Because the Lu Mansion didn't send anything to the Palace this year, so the things that were in the Palace before this year don't exist today, right? "

"My lord has never cared about the expenses of the mansion. The standard for Chinese New Year is 2000 taels of silver, but the money has never been enough. So these years, the concubine Luside will take out silver to make up for it every Chinese New Year." Explain the matter of silver.

Yun Qian smiled and said: "Concubine Luside is really the god of wealth in the palace, she actually subsidizes the food and clothing expenses of the palace every year, no wonder she pleases the king so much."

The manager couldn't express his opinion when he heard the words, so he could only smile lightly.

Chu Yuanzhou twitched his lips and said, "It's shameful for a man to spend money from a woman. Aren't you afraid that others will say he's a badass?"

(End of this chapter)

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