Chapter 1027
Chu Yuanzhou’s summary was a bit ridiculous, and the manager coughed uncomfortably. There was really no way to connect the majestic King Chu with the little boy, but because King Chu was the biggest master in the palace, Chu Yuanzhou could say It's not the king of Chu's fault, he, a servant, can't say that.

Yun Qian also smiled when she heard the words, and immediately said: "My son and I have never cared about the expenses in the palace before, and we have no idea how much money we will spend for the New Year. He Shizi also doesn't have any money to supplement the palace, so that's fine, you use the money your father planned to use for the New Year, first reward the servants according to the past practice, and then use the remaining money to buy the dishes needed for the New Year, as for gifts I think there are still some things in the warehouse over the years, and I will use them first, since the palace advocates frugality, so naturally the Chu Palace must also be frugal."

The steward was relieved when he heard the words, and the servants in the palace have been asking him these days if they will give money for the festival this year. He was also worried about this, because the king of Chu didn't care about it, and he didn't know. With Yun Qian's temperament, I don't know whether it is generous or stingy. If the New Year rewards are not distributed, I am afraid that these servants in the palace will feel resentful.

Unexpectedly, when Yun Qian talked about how to spend the money used for the New Year, he would distribute the reward money from everyone first. This proved that Yun Qian was smart and a good person.

The steward saluted lightly and was about to go out. At this moment, the concierge knocked on the door and entered. Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou saluted and said, "My son, my concubine, Master Biao is here."

"Just invite him in," Chu Yuanzhou said.

However, Yunqian thought for a long time before she figured out who the concierge was referring to by the young master Biao. The only nephew of Princess Chu was Bai Luo.

The concierge couldn't help it for a long time, Chu Yuanzhou said with some displeasure: "If you have anything to say, just tell me."

Seeing him getting angry, the concierge felt a little scared, so he said: "Young Master, let's go out and have a look, there are really... too many things!"

"What's too much?" Chu Yuanzhou asked curiously.

"Too much of everything!" replied the porter.

A question sentence, an exclamation sentence, the words are exactly the same, but the meaning is completely different.

Chu Yuanzhou reached out and knocked on the doorman's head and said, "Bastard, learn how to speak from me."

He spoke fiercely, but he was not angry at all. After he finished speaking, he pulled Yun Qian out, but before he could go far, Bai Luo wore a mink fur coat and stood in front of the Prince Chu's mansion. At the door, there were more than ten large carts behind him. From a distance, there were really everything in those carts.

When Bai Luo saw Chu Yuanzhou come out, he immediately greeted him, "My son, I'm here to see my aunt, hurry up and find some people to help me move my things to my aunt's room."

Yun Qian saw that he was a little thinner than when he met earlier, his face was not so round, and his small eyes were narrowed into a slit when he smiled.

Chu Yuanzhou frowned and said, "What are you doing! Moving so many things to the palace, do you want to live in the palace?"

His tone was a little teasing, but he found it a bit unbelievable. He had experienced Bai Luo's stinginess, and most of the time he didn't pull out any hair. When he really wanted to pull out hair, he definitely had other plans.At this time, he took the initiative to move so many things to the palace, if he said it was all right, he would not believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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