Chapter 1029
Bai Luo glanced at Chu Yuanzhou and said: "The woman surnamed Lu used to take care of the palace, and my aunt was ill, so I would never send things to the palace. The concubine is still taking care of the management, I always have to pay attention, what is in my mansion, what is in the palace will naturally be there. We must not let the woman surnamed Lu overwhelm us!"

When Yun Qian heard his words, the corners of his mouth slightly raised. It turned out that he knew about Lu Mansion sending things to Chu King's Mansion in the past. This year Lu Zhu was locked up, and Lu Mansion had nothing to send to Chu King's Mansion, so Bai Luo sent things in. .

She had just seen the list of things Lu Mansion sent in previous years, and the things Bai Luo sent were much better than those sent by Lu Mansion.

For example, in previous years, Lufu sent ten catties of blood swallows, which were top-notch. Bai Luo gave away fifteen catties this year, which was still top-grade.

Yun Qian knew that he did this to support the Chu Palace, and even meant to suppress the Lu Palace.

Princess Chu is not usually competitive, but she has suffered a lot from Lu Zhu over the years, now that she heard Bai Luo's words, she was filled with emotion, and she said softly, "Luo Er, I have cost you a lot!" .”

"In my heart, my aunt is my dearest person, and my money is my aunt's money, so why should I spend money?" Bai Luo said with a smile: "Besides, I just want people in the capital to know, Our White Mansion is no worse than the Lu Mansion, although the Bai Mansion is not very populated, there are a hundred of them, and the Bai Mansion is my aunt's family, so I won't let my aunt be wronged in the future."

There was a smile on his face, but his eyes were slightly moist.

Princess Chu's eyes were already red, and she said softly, "Luoer is so promising, aunt is very happy. It's also my fault that aunt is useless. I have worried you all these years."

"Aunt's well-being is enough for Luo Er." Tears rolled out of Bai Luo's eyes.

Chu Yuanzhou coughed lightly and said, "Mother, cousin is so promising, you should be happy, there's nothing to cry about."

After he finished speaking, he glared at Bai Luo again and said: "I know you kid has no good intentions and made my mother cry. I can't finish with you!"

Hearing this, Bai Luo wiped away his tears, then said with a smile: "Yes, yes, it's my fault."

Yunqian watched the way these people get along with each other, and the warmth in her heart gradually deepened. When she first met Bai Luo, she thought he was just a philistine businessman. When she saw him again, she thought he was a person who valued family affection. See you today, know He is a man who knows how to reciprocate.

After she came to this world, she saw those fights in the Yun Mansion, and she was indifferent to family affection. Now seeing Bai Luo and Princess Chu getting along again, she felt that family affection in this world was really beautiful.

Several people wentssip again in the room. Princess Chu asked Bai Luo to have dinner in the palace, and Bai Luo did not refuse. After the dinner, Bai Luo pulled Yun Qian and said, "The concubine Shizi can see the princess recently. ?”

Hearing what he said, Yun Qian remembered that she hadn't seen Princess Qionghua for more than half a month. She shook her head lightly and said, "Why did my cousin suddenly ask about my sister's whereabouts?"

Bai Luo's face was reddish, and Yunqian knew what he looked like, so she smiled and said, "My sister and my concubine have a very good relationship, I think the third day of junior high school is coming to pay New Year's greetings to my concubine mother, if my cousin wants to see my sister, I would It’s good to come here three times.”

(End of this chapter)

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