Chapter 1030
Bai Luo's thoughts were seen through by Yun Qian, and he became more and more embarrassed. He lowered his head and blushed and sighed softly: "Let the concubine see a joke."

Yun Qian smiled and said: "This is no joke. My cousin lost his wife, and my sister lost her husband. If you can get married, I will be very happy too."

Hearing her speak so bluntly, Bai Luo scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I'm afraid the princess may not be willing to see me. She has a close relationship with the crown prince. If she finds a chance, she will ask the crown prince to replace me in front of the princess." I have a few words to say."

Recently, while he was busy with business matters, he was still worried about Princess Qionghua's affairs, but Princess Qionghua never gave him a good face, even if she gave him a good face, she had to kick him again in a blink of an eye.

Yun Qian smiled and said, "That's for sure."

Chu Yuanzhou was originally talking to Princess Chu, his ears were sharp, and he stepped in immediately after hearing Bai Luo and Yun Qian's words: "Qianqian can help you speak nicely, what's the benefit?"

Bai Luo said with a smile: "If the princess can change her opinion of me, there must be a great gift."

"Come on, I don't know what your gift is." Chu Yuanzhou said disdainfully: "It's better to just say how much you will give Qianqian after the good thing is done. Qianqian, you don't know, this The kid is very treacherous. A few years ago, I helped him with a tricky job. He promised to thank me in advance, but do you know how he thanked me? He sent me [-] truckloads of soil, that The ceremony is really serious!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the room laughed.

But Bai Luo gave him a blank look and argued: "If you didn't have my [-] carts of soil that day, how could you easily win Tuo Yin?"

Thinking of that battle, Chu Yuanzhou shook his head lightly and said, "Even without your [-] carts of land, it would be just around the corner to get rid of Tuo Yin. You're a good boy because you're so cheap."

Bai Luo snorted lightly and said, "Just brag!"

The atmosphere during the banquet was relaxed and cheerful, Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows and said: "Do I need to brag about things like war? Anyway, this time we have to talk about it first, so that you won't give me another [-] when the time comes." Here comes the car."

Bai Luo thought for a while and said: "If one day I can marry the princess, I will definitely give you a gift of ten thousand gold."

Chu Yuanzhou said disdainfully: "A daughter-in-law is only [-] gold, Bai Luo, you are really an iron cock!"

Bai Luo glared at him and said: "If I am an iron rooster, then you are a money fan. I haven't seen any family's son like you. He is a money fan."

"Come on, I'm not going to expose your old background." Chu Yuanzhou ordered someone to take a pen and ink and hand it to Bai Luo, saying: "The price is [-] gold, and there is no evidence for the words, so I will save you, you brat. After getting a daughter-in-law, I won’t accept it.”

"You really know how to take advantage of the fire! I originally wanted to give the concubine [-] gold, but you only want [-] gold, so you're worthless." Bai Luo's eyelids twitched.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "Okay, one hundred thousand gold is one hundred thousand gold, write quickly, my aunt is also a money fan, in fact, what I am most afraid of is that my aunt is attracted to you, and your money is her money. At that time, she was more heartbroken than you!"

Bai Luo laughed and said, "I don't like your previous sentence, but I like to hear the latter sentence. I hope the princess will love my silver one day. If the deal is completed, one hundred thousand gold will be one hundred thousand gold."

(End of this chapter)

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