Chapter 1039
Concubine Chu didn't know if what King Chu said was ironic, she never cared what King Chu thought of her, now she said these words indifferently: "Your Majesty, I appreciate it."

The King of Chu looked at the people kneeling on the ground and waited: "If you don't ask for this king, you can ask the princess. If the princess agrees to take charge of the donation in the palace, then the matter of whether the concubine Luside is grounded is a matter of course." The queen has the final say."

Which one is this?Yunqian sounded a little confused. The women in the backyard had always racked their brains in order to win the power of the middle class. They had never heard of any family who mainly handed over the power of the middle class. Here, things were also rejected.

And the King of Chu is also funny. Today, not only is he going to hand over the power of feeding in the palace to Princess Chu, but it seems that the power of punishment for all concubines, concubines, concubines and concubines in the palace is also handed over to Princess Chu. .

Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly, and she persuaded softly: "Mother and concubine, please focus on the overall situation."

Although she didn't quite know what the king and concubine Chu were up against today, she felt that it was more appropriate for the royal family's Zhongfu to fall on Princess Chu. It can't make too many waves when it is released.

Concubine Chu originally wanted to stir things up today, but she didn't expect that the King of Chu would give her the power of the Chu Palace!She always hated to take care of the trivial matters in the palace, the King of Chu probably knew that she hated to take care of these things, so he deliberately left all the things to her to take care of.

Concubine Chu felt that King Chu seemed to want to hand over power, but in fact he was just embarrassing her.

Concubine Chu glanced at King Chu and said, "My lord has entrusted all these rights to my hands, isn't he afraid that I will mess up Prince Chu's mansion?"

The king of Chu took a sip of tea and said, "That's your business. You occupy this position as the head of the house. With this title, you naturally have to fulfill your obligations. Besides, your son is married to a good woman now. Daughter-in-law, if you think you can't handle it, you can ask Yun Qian to help you."

He was talking while drinking tea, his eyes staring at the teacup were so deep that no one dared to look closely, if they looked closely, they could still see the sly look in his eyes.

Princess Chu frowned, and King Chu glanced at the people kneeling on the ground and said, "So now you don't ask me, but Wangfei. The princess has the final say on this matter."

Chu Tianqi and Chu Tianyou looked at each other after hearing King Chu's words. Both of them had a worried look in their eyes. Chu Tianqi was not in the palace on weekdays, so he didn't know how much power he had, but Chu Tianyou was very concerned. Clearly, he has personally witnessed how Lu Zhu manages the palace over the years.

At this time, King Chu did this, forcing Princess Chu to take over all the power. After Lu Zhu came out, if he knew this, he would be very unhappy.But if they don't ask Concubine Chu, according to King Chu's wishes, they probably won't release Lu Zhu easily.

The two brothers and sisters are in the same mind, and they are both a little embarrassed, but they know that today, if you ask for something, you must ask for it, and if you don't ask for it, you must ask for it.

Chu Tianyou was the first to react. He prostrated himself to Princess Chu and said, "I beg your concubine to give you a hand, and let Concubine Luside out of the Buddhist hall!"

When he bowed, Chu Tianqi also realized it, and hurriedly fell on the ground and said: "I beg the princess to let the concubine Lu side to have the New Year's Eve dinner with us tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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