Chapter 1040
The other people were not as relaxed as Chu Tianyou and Chu Tianqi, and they were still a little bit worried. They were afraid that after begging Princess Chu like this tonight, Princess Chu would find them to settle accounts, but everyone begged tonight, and they thought in their hearts Even if Princess Chu is a little unhappy, it is impossible to punish everyone together. If Lu Zhu regains power in the future, they can still seek benefits in front of Lu Zhu.

So everyone fell on the ground and begged: "I beg the concubine to give it back, and release the roadside concubine from the Buddhist hall!"

Princess Chu's eyes darkened when she saw this scene, she turned her head to look at King Chu and said, "Your Majesty, do you really trust me to take charge of the central government in the mansion?"

"You are the concubine of this king, these things are what you should do." The king of Chu said it as a matter of course, his eyes were light and light, and there was no unnecessary expression.

Concubine Chu smiled and said: "I seem to be a little angry tonight. Since the prince trusts me so much, if I refuse again, it will appear a little ungrateful."

In fact, on such occasions, the word "not knowing how to flatter" is inappropriate, but in Princess Chu's opinion, this word is very appropriate at this time.The king of Chu and her were originally two people who had no intersection, but they were forcibly tied together. Over the years, she has deeply realized what it means to not love without pain, and to love without hurt. .

The king of Chu wanted to take a concubine and marry a side concubine, but she never stopped him.

Over the years, the King of Chu treated her indifferently, oppressed her, insulted her, and allowed Lu Zhu to make things difficult for her, but she never took it to heart.She even felt that it was normal for the king of Chu to be ruthless, and it was just a test for her to hand over the power of Zhongfu to her.

She doesn't care about these, she's not interested in Zhongfu, and she doesn't care how he tries to test her.Up to now, she also knows that Zhongfu's power falls into her own hands, and she will have the initiative in the entire palace in the future.

She had been lying on the bed for so many years because of Lu Zhu. If she said she didn't hate Lu Zhu, it would be a lie. She also knew that Chu Tianyou was eyeing Chu Yuanzhou's position as the eldest son. She didn't fight or grab it because she felt that Not much to care about.

However, after being ill for so long, she wanted to understand some things. If she kept not fighting or grabbing, she would only lose the initiative and be controlled by others.She may not care about King Chu, but she still lives in Chu Wufu.

So today the king of Chu offered to give her the power of Zhongfei, and she would never refuse again.

The King of Chu heard the mockery in her words, and immediately said unhurriedly: "It's enough for the princess to know how to flatter her."

His tone was calm, and he was not at all unhappy because of the sting in Princess Chu's words.

Concubine Chu sneered, but turned her head and said to Yun Qian: "Qian'er, you need to pay more attention to the affairs in the palace in the future. Your mother and concubine and I are getting old, and I can't do what I want for a lot of time. From now on, these things will be more difficult. I'm counting on you."

Yunqian was a little confused when she heard Princess Chu's words, she hated these trivial matters the most, at this time Princess Chu slapped her on the head like this, if she didn't continue, she couldn't justify it.

She raised her eyes and looked at Princess Chu, who had a three-pointed smile in her eyes, and blinked when she saw her looking over. Seeing this scene, she had a worse headache.

(End of this chapter)

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