Chapter 1068
Although Chu Han doesn't know Yun Qian's identity now, she knows that he will know her identity sooner or later. Everything that can be explained is explained, believe it or not."

Chu Han was not very happy when he heard the words, he said angrily: "As expected, you were having an affair with fourth brother just now!"

Yun Qian lightly stroked her forehead when she heard the words, and secretly felt that lying is really not a good habit. When she lied before, Chu Han believed everything, but today she finally told the truth in front of him, but he I don't believe it anymore.
If she had a silver needle in her hand at this time, she would have inserted a few needles for Chu Han to remove this memory in his heart. It is a pity that she did not bring anything with her when she entered the palace today.

She didn't give any further explanations, but instead of Chu Han, she became even more furious: "So you were really lying to me just now! You are really having an affair with Fourth Brother!"

Yun Qian said lightly: "The Seventh Prince can think whatever he wants!"

Chu Han was furious. It was the first time in his life that he fell in love with a woman. He didn't want to see such a scene. He felt very depressed in his heart. He raised his hand and hit the railing of the small pavilion heavily. It was so heavy that the pavilion shook violently, and the icicles beside the pavilion fell to the ground.

Seeing his appearance, Yun Qian was stunned for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "Ni Qusi, I don't want to know who you are anymore!"

After saying this, he walked away.

Yun Qian didn't know where this place was, but she still had lingering fears when she remembered what happened just now, so she said loudly, "Hey, where are you going?"

Chu Hanli ignored her, lifted his foot and disappeared into the ice and snow. When he turned his head, his expression was dark.

Yun Qian stretched out her hand to caress her forehead, feeling extremely unlucky. She really felt a little helpless when all these things happened on the first day of the new year.

This time she didn't dare to wander around anymore, if she bumped into Chu Shu again, she would have no life to toss about, she sighed softly, the pavilion was blowing everywhere, it was very cold.

She waited in the pavilion for a long time, and finally saw a few eunuchs coming in a hurry. She thought for a while, fell to the ground, and then started to cry softly. Her voice alarmed the eunuchs, and the eunuchs left Come over and ask, "Who are you?"

Yun Qian said softly: "I am the eldest concubine of Prince Chu's mansion. I lost my way after being separated from the princess today. I just fell again and my leg hurts badly. Eunuch Lao took me to the queen mother."

The eunuchs saw that she was in a mess, and they had heard about Princess Qionghua looking for Yunqian today, and everything was right, so they immediately helped her up and sent her to the queen mother's palace.

It was almost noon at this time, and most of the royal relatives and relatives who paid their respects to the Queen Mother had gone to the Juwei Hall to wait for their meal, and only the Queen Mother and Princess Qionghua were left waiting for her in the Queen Mother's main hall.

Princess Qionghua and the Queen Mother were surprised when they saw Yun Qian come back in such a mess. Princess Qionghua asked, "Qianqian, what happened? Why did you get in such a mess?"

Yun Qian smiled wryly and said, "After my sister left just now, I lost my way for a while, because there was ice and snow everywhere, and I couldn't find the Tailin palace lady to ask for directions, so I walked more and more sideways, and accidentally fell. When I stumbled, I happened to meet these father-in-laws, so I was able to come back safely."

PS: Halo, the system took out a chapter for me, but fortunately it is the best chapter, and now it will be reissued.

(End of this chapter)

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