Chapter 1069 Right and wrong
Princess Qionghua felt apologetic when she heard the words, and the queen mother reprimanded her: "Qinghua is not young now, and she is not prudent in doing things at all. You know that Qian'er is not familiar with the palace, but you still leave her alone. Excuse me, fortunately there is nothing to do today, if you really cause any trouble, I will not spare you!"

Princess Qionghua respected the queen mother very much, she was really wrong about what happened today, so she let the queen mother scold her now, and said after the queen mother finished scolding: "Mother, Qianqian's clothes are also broken, do you have a change of clothes here? ?”

The Empress Dowager knew that the time for the luncheon was very tight, so she hurriedly ordered the maids around her to look for the clothes she wore when she was young, and finally found a green jacket.

Princess Qionghua personally took Yunqian to the inner room to change clothes, and she drove out the maids serving inside, and when there were only two people inside, she asked softly: "Qianqian, why did you get lost in such a good way, what happened? What's the matter?"

Yun Qian said softly: "It's hard to explain in one word. I don't have time to explain in detail today. I will explain it to you when the third sister of Chu goes to the Chu Palace."

She knew that Princess Qionghua seemed careless, but she was as shrewd as a ghost. In addition, the two of them knew each other very well. She could hide it from the Queen Mother, but she might not be able to hide it from Princess Qionghua.

Princess Qionghua nodded lightly, but saw that all the hairpins on Yunqian's head were there, but she couldn't see the hairpin she gave Yunqian before, so she immediately asked, "Where is the hairpin I gave you before?"

Yunqian remembered that she tied the hairpin into Chu Shu's hand just now, she sighed softly and said, "If there is no accident, that hairpin should be in the hands of the fourth prince, thanks to my sister for giving it to me today." My hairpin, otherwise I’m afraid I’ll die and come back to see my sister.”

Thinking of what happened just now, she still has lingering fears.

Princess Qionghua was shocked when she heard the words: "Why did you meet Chu Shu when you were doing well? What did that kid do to you?" She didn't dare to say that she knew Chu Shu very well, but she also knew what he was like, and she suddenly understood Yun Qian Why did you come back in such a mess.

Just as Yun Qian was about to answer, a court lady shouted outside the door: "Princess, have you changed your clothes yet? The Empress Dowager is waiting for you to go to the banquet together."

Princess Qionghua responded, "It will be fine soon."

Both of them knew that this was not the time to talk, so they hurriedly put on their clothes. Seeing that Yun Qian's hair was also messed up, Princess Qionghua hurriedly combed Yun Qian's hair. The time was too hasty, Princess Qionghua He simply broke up Yun Qian's hair, combed it into a simple and elegant bun, and then pulled out two hairpins from his head and inserted them on Yun Qian's head.

After tidying up roughly, Yunqian and Princess Qionghua came out together. The queen mother saw the clothes Yunqian was wearing, and felt a little emotional in her heart, and said softly, "Seeing Qianqian wearing this dress, Ai Jia thought of himself when he was young, the flowers are like a dream, and it has been many years in a flash."

Yun Qian smiled lightly, and the queen mother said again: "This dress looks really good on Qian'er, so I will give it to Qian'er."

Yun Qian bowed lightly, wanting to salute and thank her, the queen mother stretched out her hand to support her and said, "You are destined to be with Ai's family, so you should go to the palace to be with Ai's family when you have free time in the future!"

Yunqian responded softly and said, "Today, Yunqian made Grandma Huang worry about it."

The Queen Mother smiled and patted her hand, then pulled Yun Qian out slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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