Chapter 1117

Yunyan was a little curious, if not here, where would Yunluo be?There were layers of cold air in her eyes. When she went out, Mo Chou walked in front, and Mrs. Tan followed Yun Yan, and then lightly whispered in Yun Yan's ear: "Last night, I obviously put Fourth Miss on the bed." Yes, I don't know where she went at this time, I will ask my son later."

Yun Yan glanced at her, didn't speak, then walked out.

After Yunyan walked out, she was also in a loss of mood, but she suddenly thought of Liu Ying. If she didn't see Yunluo today, she would not give up, so she said immediately: "This place is very close to the residence of the auntie, and there was no rush yesterday. Have a good talk with my aunt, my mother used to like to go to my aunt's place when she was alive, why don't my third aunt accompany me for a walk."

Mo Chou smiled and agreed. At this point, she was sure that Yunyan pulled her out today, nine out of ten because of Yunluo's affairs. She was also a little curious about what role Yunyan played in last night's incident. What a character.

When the two arrived in front of Liu Ying's room, Liu Ying was having breakfast, seeing the two coming, she hurriedly got up to greet them, the three of them had to chatter for a while, and their faces were all friendly.

After Ke finished speaking, Yun Yan asked, "Why didn't you see Fourth Sister?"

"Luo'er went to look for Zheng'er last night. The two sisters have always had a deep relationship. I think they stayed at Zheng'er's place last night." Liu Ying said with a smile.

In fact, Liu Ying knew about Yunzheng and Yunluo in her heart, but although these two were her daughters, in her heart, they were somewhat different after all. Yunzheng had a cold temper since she was a child, and she was not close to her. , so she is more towards Yunluo in everything on weekdays.

She was also aware of Yunluo's plan, but she didn't stop it. The reason is very simple. She knew that Yunluo liked Ye Wuchen. After getting married, and then encountering Su Qiaohui's death, she really has to stay in mourning for three years, and I'm afraid it will be really difficult to get married in the future.

So she felt that it would be a good thing if Ye Wuchen took Yunluo into the house, at least she would not have to worry about Yunluo in the future.

When she thought about it, her heart was filled with calmness, and she allowed what happened last night to develop.

Yun Yan smiled and said: "I have been envious of the relationship between the second sister and the fourth sister since I was a child."

Liu Ying smiled, and the three of them talked again, Yun Yan and Mo Chou left, but it was already time for breakfast, Yun Yan couldn't drag Mo Chou to find someone, so she went alone People went to Yunzheng.

No, when Yunyan came to Yunzheng's room, Yunzheng was not there, only Nana timidly looked around in front of the court, Yunyan faintly felt that something was wrong with this matter, so she asked Nana where Yunzheng had gone.

Nai Nai knew that the relationship between Yun Yan and Yun Zheng was not good, so she couldn't tell the truth at the moment, so she could only say: "My wife went to look for Shi Zifei last night, and I want to be together at this time."

Yunyan knew that Yunqian stayed at Mochou's place last night, and she didn't see Yunqian when she went there just now. She was shocked by this discovery, and only felt that something bad had happened.

She thought that Yunqian was not involved in this matter last night, but now it seems that Yunqian was involved, she bit her lip lightly, but anything that Yunqian participated in would not be good.

But what will Yun Qian do?Yun Yan couldn't figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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