Chapter 1118
At this time, Nana's expression was full of worry, and she looked a little nervous standing there.

Yun Yan sneered again: "Are all people in Yefu like this? Do you lie to anyone like this? I just came from San Yiniang, but I didn't see Shi Zifei and your wife! Say, your family Where did Madam go?"

Seeing her appearance, Nana felt very disgusted, but because of her status, she did not dare to speak too harshly, so she said softly: "The princess and my wife are sisters, but my wife is already married, she goes to It seems that there is no need to report to the princess."

Yun Yan's eyes were full of anger when she heard the words: "What are you, how dare you talk back! Someone is here, slap your mouth!"

Siqi stepped forward and wanted to make a move, but Nana was also a temperamental maid, so she immediately took Siqi's hand and said, "I am from the Yefu, not from the Yunfu, and even less from the Mingwangfu. Princess Ming doesn't seem to have the right to teach me a lesson."

Yun Yan had never been so contradicted by her servants before, and she was about to strike again, but she heard a mocking voice behind her: "When did Princess Ming care so much about Yefu's affairs? What's wrong with Nana, she will be punished by her second sister. And why does Princess Ming do it herself? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by others?"

Yun Yan turned her head and looked at Yun Qian coldly, only to see Chu Yuanzhou standing at the door in a blue dress holding Yun Qian's hand. Standing together, they are really a pair of wall people.

It's just that such a pair of walled people is a bit dazzling in Yun Yan's eyes.

Yun Yan sneered and said: "Isn't the concubine Shizi with the second sister? Why is she with the son at this time? Aren't you afraid that others will laugh at you for being uneducated?"

Yun Qian said with a smile: "Second sister was indeed with me last night, but she left in the middle of the night. As for me and Shizi, we are originally husband and wife, and those who like to talk can do whatever they want, I don't care."

Chu Yuanzhou said from the side: "What do you tell her so much? Let's go to pay respects to father-in-law and mother-in-law. After paying respects, we should go back to the palace. There are still a lot of things going on in the palace today!"

Yun Qian smiled at him and said, "What the prince said is true."

Yun Yan bit her lip lightly, snorted coldly, gave Nai Nai a hard look, and strode away.

It was time to say hello, Yun Jingyan and Mo Chou were already sitting in the hall, but Yun Zheng, Ye Wuchen, Yun Luo and Chu Mo didn't come, Yun Jingyan frowned slightly.

At this moment, Ye Wuchen and Yunzheng walked over slowly, both of them looked unhappy, their eye circles were darkened, they both stood aside after saluting and did not speak.

Yun Qian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two of them coming together.

Seeing that Chu Mo didn't come, Yun Yan felt a little anxious for some reason. With Chu Mo's status, no one in the Yun residence would dare to disturb his rest, so she immediately said, "I'll call the prince."

Yun Jingyan was a little unhappy that Chu Mo couldn't afford it at this time, but he couldn't ask his fault. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "My lord works hard all day, and he has nothing to do today, so let him sleep for a while!"

Yun Yan felt something was wrong in her heart, but she had no choice but to respond, but Yun Jingyan said a little annoyed: "That girl Luo'er is too rude now, she didn't come today."

(End of this chapter)

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