Chapter 1129 is my business
Yun Qian didn't know how to respond to Princess Qionghua's words. Whether one person hated another person or not was mainly due to subjective consciousness.She coughed lightly and said, "So sister is blaming Bai Luo for not caring enough about you?"

Princess Qionghua gave her a blank look and said, "Has he ever cared about me? He has never done anything to make me happy other than making me angry all day long."

Yun Qian thought in her heart, Bai Luo almost handed over all his wealth to you, and you are still so dissatisfied, but when she thought about it again, she felt that this was normal, Princess Qionghua was a genius A charming girl, she is used to being treated well by others on weekdays, but no matter how nice Bai Luo is to her at this time, she won't feel bad about it.

She mourned for Bai Luo in her heart for a minute. From now on, Bai Luo's journey to chase Princess Qionghua will be really long and arduous.

Princess Qionghua smiled after seeing Yun Qian's expression, looked at Yun Qian and said, "Don't ruin our sisterhood because of those irrelevant people, I've been waiting for you for a long time, why, don't you invite me to your house Do you want to sit here?"

Yun Qian smiled, and after the two sat down in the room, Princess Qionghua asked about Yun Qian's relationship with Chu Shu on the first day of junior high school. Said it roughly.

Princess Qionghua wrinkled her eyes slightly when she heard the words, and snorted softly: "That kid Chu Shu has always been the most vicious among the princes, but I didn't expect him to be a lecherous one. It's just that this bastard is really brave. , even dare to touch his father's woman!"

Yun Qian said softly: "I didn't fully see it at the time, and it's hard to draw a conclusion on this matter."

"There is nothing to draw a conclusion." Princess Qionghua said coldly; "The women in the harem, even the court ladies can be regarded as the emperor's brother's woman, and the women who are dressed in fancy clothes can't be anyone else except the emperor's brother. Besides, although there are many people entering the palace on the first day of the lunar new year, no one dares to sleep with the emperor's woman in the palace, no matter how brave they are. Normally, he acts timidly, but he is quite courageous when he becomes lustful. Very big."

Yun Qian's eyes deepened, Princess Qionghua glanced at her and said: "It's all my fault, if I hadn't left you behind, what happened that day would not have happened, but I always do things from beginning to end, since you The trouble caused by the day was caused by me, then I will settle this matter for you."

When she said this, she was calm and steady, and she was completely different from the way she had quarreled with Bai Luo outside just now. The way she looked now clearly had the air of a princess, dignified and deep.

She suddenly felt that Princess Qionghua might not really hate Bai Luo, otherwise, according to Princess Qionghua's method, Bai Luo would not be able to get any favors, and it would be difficult to even meet him.It's just that Bai Luo is also a black-bellied person, so he should be able to deal with Princess Qionghua in the same way.She felt that it was not impossible for these two people, as long as Bai Luo put his heart into it and found a suitable opportunity.

Yunqian knew that Princess Qionghua seemed to be a careless person on the surface, but she was actually a person with deep thoughts. She twitched the corner of her mouth slightly and said with a smile: "This is none of my sister's business."

Princess Qionghua sighed softly; "Your business is my business, so how can it be none of my business?"

(End of this chapter)

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