Chapter 1130 Stand Up For Her
Princess Qionghua was also thinking about many things at this time. Among the princes, it seems that the first prince and the third prince are more dominant on the surface, and the first prince is incompetent. With Chu Shu behind him to help make suggestions, otherwise he would have collapsed It's just that how much Chu Shu really helps, that's unknown.

And what Yunqian said was not a bad thing in her opinion, it was also a handle for Chu Shu. In the future, it will have to see how to hold this handle firmly, and knock down Chu Shu in one fell swoop at a critical moment, and then replace Chu Shu. Chu Yi got rid of this biggest stumbling block.

Yun Qian saw that Princess Qionghua's face was serious at this time, and knew that she had thought a lot about Chu Shu's incident, and in this royal family, such things were always kept secret, and they could play a big role in critical moments.

She immediately drank a cup of tea, smiled slightly and said: "After all, I'm fine, sister don't need to be too embarrassing, let's be more careful about the fourth prince's affairs."

Princess Qionghua smiled, drank a cup of tea, and said unhurriedly: "I saw Yunyan go to Lu Zhu's place just now, there must be no good for those two women getting together, you have to be careful."

Yun Qian nodded slightly, Princess Qionghua looked at Yun Qian with her arms around her chest and said, "Where there are many women, there are many right and wrong, not to mention that Yun Yan has long disliked you, and Lu Zhu wanted to come because you saved her." I hold a grudge against you about the matter of the emperor's wife, neither of these two women is a fuel-efficient lamp, and I'm afraid they will try their best to deal with you in the future."

Yun Qian said faintly; "I can't just go and chop them up with a knife just because the two of them get together?"

"Hitting people with a knife is the most unsavory method." Princess Qionghua raised her chin slightly, and then said calmly; "The best way to deal with those shameless people is to make life worse than death without bloodshed."

Yun Qian glanced at Princess Qionghua, and Princess Qionghua smiled authentically; "Qianqian, many times we have to learn to take the initiative to attack, and we can't always be passively beaten. I think your previous techniques are good, and this time I will help you." Come out, you don't have to thank me."

Yun Qian was stunned for a moment, looked at Princess Qionghua and said, "Sister, what do you want to do?"

Princess Qionghua smiled without saying a word. Yunqian had seen such a smile before when Princess Qionghua dealt with the Snow Mountain Saintess. Seeing you now, Yunqian felt her heart tremble slightly.

It will soon be time for lunch. According to the annual rules of Chu Palace, guests from the mansion are invited to have a meal at this time. This meal is similar to the rules of Yun Mansion. Men and women are divided into seats. And sit.

It's just that Chu Wang's mansion is bigger than Yun's mansion, and the dining room is also much larger, and there are several compartments in the dining room, and the rule is that men are on the left and women are on the right.

Since Princess Chu is in charge of Zhongfu now, and Princess Chu is a master who doesn't care much, Yun Qian takes care of daily life and other chores in the palace.

Yunqian also told the kitchen to arrange the meal at noon, but Yunqian didn't have much interest in taking care of the trivial matters in the palace, so she left it to the steward to take care of it, just follow the rules of previous years.

After taking their seats, the king of Chu, Chu Mo and others sat in the other seat, and Princess Qionghua, Yun Qian and other female relatives sat in the other seat. Huanyu went out to see what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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