Chapter 1131 Someone is making trouble
Unexpectedly, Huanyu hadn't gone out yet, the curtain in the dining room had already been lifted, and then a man ran in, and as soon as he came in, he shouted loudly: "Bai Luo, get out!"

Hearing the man's voice, Bai Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, but sat there motionless. Chu Yuanzhou immediately shouted: "Who is yelling outside, take care of things, how do you manage things?"

The steward of the palace also came in with him, his face full of embarrassment and said: "Uncle insists on breaking in, but I can't stop him."

Chu Yuanzhou sneered and said, "Uncle? Why didn't I know that I have an uncle?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the steward of the palace felt that he had made a slip of the tongue and did not dare to say more at the moment.

And the man had already rushed to Bai Luo's side and said, "Bai Luo, today either you die or I live!"

Chu Yuanzhou was sitting next to Bai Luo, raised his hand, picked up the man, threw the man out again, and said happily, "Oh, isn't this Master Lu? Why are you free to come to the palace today? I just don’t know if Mr. Li Lu is coming to the palace today as the head of the Lu family, or as the brother of the concubine Lu?”

The person who came was Lu Zhu's elder brother Lu Fei.

Chu Yuanzhou seemed to be a little polite when he said it, but his question was very tricky, and the words were full of thorns.

According to the rules, concubines on the side of the road can only be regarded as concubines in the palace, and relatives of concubines in wealthy families cannot be regarded as relatives. Even when visiting relatives, they can only go through the side door, not the main door.Relatives who couldn't walk through the main entrance naturally couldn't break into the palace.

And if the head of the Lu Mansion came to the Wangfu, then he had to send a worship post in advance, and whether he would see or not would depend on the thoughts of the masters in the Wangfu.Even if it's Chinese New Year now, the etiquette can be relaxed a little bit, but in the final analysis, it's still not allowed to rush directly into the palace.

When Lu Fei heard Chu Yuanzhou's words, he didn't know how to answer for a moment. He knew that no matter how he answered, according to Chu Yuanzhou's temperament, he would definitely help him find a mistake.

It's just that he was full of anger today, how could he let it go at this time, he had no choice but to get up from the ground, and then bowed to King Chu and Chu Yuanzhou: "I have seen King Chu, my son!"

Seeing Lu Fei rushing in like this, the King of Chu felt a little unhappy. Although he didn't pay much attention to etiquette, it didn't mean he could tolerate people coming to his Chu Palace to act wildly.

He snorted coldly and said, "What is the purpose of Master Lu coming to the palace?"

When King Chu roared like this, Lu Fei felt a little nervous. Although he didn't pay attention to Chu Yuanzhou these years, he was still very afraid of King Chu's power.

Lu Fei hastily bowed again and said: "I have something to visit today, and I didn't send a greeting card to the prince. Please forgive me."

Lu Zhu heard Lu Fei's voice from the side, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Since Bai Luo robbed Lu Mansion of a lot of business this year, on the first day of the Lunar New Year, Lu Fei came to the Palace to destroy her once, and asked what H.

At that time, Lu Zhu had just been released from the Buddhist hall by the king of Chu. Even though the king of Chu stayed in her room on the night of the Chinese New Year, she still has no confidence in the king of Chu, so she let Lu Fei Don't worry, just let her handle the matter of King Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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