Chapter 1134 Apologize
Yun Qian knew countless people, and this was the first time she saw someone who asked for something with such a haughty attitude.Sure enough, there is no weirdest thing in this world, only weirder things.

She immediately said with a smile: "Elder? I don't know how I should call you elder?"

Lu Zhu was a little anxious when he heard the words. Although she and Lu Fei are brothers and sisters, their tempers are different. Lu Fei's temper has always been relatively straightforward. Although the business of the Lu Mansion is very big, it was always managed by Master Lu in the past. , since the death of Master Lu, Lu Fei has been relying on the previous capital of the Lu Mansion to do business.

She was about to speak, but Lu Fei said: "From the perspective of seniority, you may have to call me uncle."

Yunqian laughed, Chu Yuanzhou sneered beside him and said, "Calling your uncle, can you afford it? Concubine Luside has been a concubine in the palace for several years. Could it be that she even forgot the rules?"

The King of Chu also had a bit of displeasure in his eyes. He glanced at Lu Zhu and said coldly, "You have surpassed!"

Lu Zhu's complexion was extremely ugly, he stared at Lu Fei and said, "Brother, I'm just a side concubine in the palace, not the main concubine, only the relatives of the main concubine are relatives in the palace, so you can't be considered a concubine. Elder, why don't you apologize to the Crown Princess?"

Lu Fei's eyes widened when he heard this, and Lu Zhu was afraid that he would say something stupid again, so he pinched him immediately.

Lu Fei was very upset. He glanced at Lu Zhu and then at Chu Yuanzhou. No matter how straightforward he is, he has been in business for many years and knows how to turn. He gritted his teeth and said, "How many slips of the tongue just now?" , please forgive me."

Seeing Lu Fei's appearance was interesting, Yun Qian said immediately, "Master Lu didn't lose his words or be rude in front of me, but he was rude in front of my mother and concubine. If Master Lu really wants to express his apology , then go to my concubine mother to accompany you!"

Concubine Chu walked out with Yilan's support, she had been watching from the sidelines and didn't say much. When something happened in the White Mansion and the Lu Mansion gained power, she wouldn't believe it if it had nothing to do with the Lu Manor.

After hearing what Lu Fei said just now, her eyes were filled with chills, but she felt that this was a good thing. The more arrogant Lu Fei is in front of everyone today, the less he will be seen in the future. There is Luffy's suffering.

And Lu Fei is Lu Zhu's brother, she also suffered a lot from Lu Zhu before, an apology today can't make any real changes, but it can make her feel a lot better.

So Concubine Chu said unhurriedly: "I have been bedridden for many years, and the affairs in the palace have been taken care of by Concubine Lu. In detail, Concubine Lu has worked hard. The population of the White House is small, and Master Lu regards himself as someone else. Relatives of Chu Palace, it is understandable. It’s just that I’m recovering from illness now, and the lord also wants me to be in charge of the palace again. Master Lu came today, and it happened to be known to Mr. Lu. In the future, Mr. Lu Don't say that you are a relative of the palace anymore, because..."

There was a slight pause at her words, and then she said unhurriedly: "Because the Lu Mansion may not understand these rules, but the Wang Mansion still needs to understand them, otherwise it will make people laugh if it spreads."

Yun Qian listened to what Princess Chu said was very gentle and magnanimous, but there were thorns in every word, and every sentence said that Lu Zhu had no rules. How could it be so rude?
(End of this chapter)

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