Chapter 1135 Princess Means
Lu Zhu was much more shrewd than Lu Fei, and after hearing Princess Chu's words, he said softly: "Brother said nothing today, so I will accompany Princess Chu on behalf of my brother."

As soon as she finished speaking, she wanted to bow down. Princess Chu glanced at her and remained silent. After she bowed down, Princess Chu said: "There is indeed something wrong with you. No matter how sick this concubine is, I will ignore you , you are just a side concubine, your relatives are not considered relatives in the palace, and your elder brother can't stand the uncle and the young master in the palace."

Lu Zhu's complexion suddenly became even uglier. She turned her head to look at King Chu, hoping that King Chu would say something for her, but at this moment, King Chu just stood there motionless, without any expression on his face.

It was Yun Yan who said from the side: "What is Aunt Wangfei saying? Since ancient times, the elders and children have been orderly, and the concubine and concubines are different. It's just that Aunt Wangfei is in good health and everything is over. You are famous for being virtuous and open-minded. The capital is also famous for its great measure, so why don't Concubine Lu and Master Lu apologize to you today, and let this matter be exposed, I don't know what Aunt Wangfei thinks?"

Princess Chu glanced at Yunyan. She had heard Yunqian talk about Yunyan earlier, and she also knew that the two sisters had been at odds for a long time. She had no good intentions to speak for Lu Zhu at this time, but there were so many people here today, and Chu Mo was also there. , she can't embarrass Yun Yan.

So Concubine Chu smiled lightly and said: "Prince Ming is right, I'm afraid Concubine Lu and Master Lu are not willing to compensate me for this."

Lu Zhu knew that today's incident had reached this point, if he didn't ask Concubine Chu to accompany him, this matter would be difficult to settle, and she might be fine. I'm afraid that Lu Fei would be taken advantage of by Princess Qionghua and Yun Qian. Things are going to be messed up, if things happen again and again in the Lu Mansion, she will have nothing to rely on.

She said softly: "When the wangfei was ill, I may have done something wrong, but it was also for the sake of the whole palace, and I didn't mean to be disrespectful to the wangfei at all. Today, my brother just made a slip of the tongue, so please don't take it to heart."

After she said this, she twisted Lu Fei again. Although Lu Fei was annoyed, he was not stupid. He knew that he must bow his head today, so he had no choice but to bow down to Princess Chu and say, "Please, Princess The empress is guilty."

Concubine Chu smiled and said: "Get up, it's all in the past, I will never argue with you any more, I just need to pay attention to propriety in the future and recognize my identity."

Since Lu Zhu married the King of Chu, she has been favored by the King of Chu most of the time. Ever since Princess Chu woke up, she has been sulking one after another, and these things have reminded her all the time. She, she is only a side concubine. There are thousands of differences between a side concubine and a main concubine.

And when she sees Princess Chu in the future, she must be lower than Princess Chu.

After Princess Chu woke up this time, she was much more cunning than before. At this time, saying these things in front of so many people was embarrassing her, and she could only bear it. In fact, the face between them has already been torn apart, and both of them guard each other more than they guard against wolves.Princess Chu's words at this time sound like the mother of a family, but they are not aggressive, so she can only bear it.

She said softly: "I would like to follow the teaching of the princess."

Princess Chu said with a smile: "Get up, it's cold on the ground."

(End of this chapter)

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