Chapter 1138

At this time, the King of Chu suddenly remembered that when he went to Beijing to report on his work a few years ago, the chief executive had said a few words to him, but he didn't take it to heart. When Lu Fei mentioned it at this time, he understood somewhat Ask him what those words mean.

As for Bai Luo's ability to play tricks in the relationship that Lu Fei has managed for many years, I am afraid that besides Bai Luo's ability, Chu Yuanzhou is also involved in this matter.

As for why Chu Yuanzhou participated in this matter, he knew it well.As long as Chu Yuanzhou participates in things, he is unwilling to participate too much. The relationship between him and Chu Yuanzhou's father and son is originally weak, and in his heart, no one can replace this son's position. Yuan Zhou was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, he was still a precious Chu Yuanzhou, and he also cherished this father-son relationship, he had done wrong things before, and now he doesn't want to make mistakes anymore.
The King of Chu glanced at Chu Yuanzhou, then at Princess Chu, his thoughts were heavy for a while, and then he frowned slightly, but he didn't speak.

When Lu Zhu saw this posture, she was a little anxious. She knew very well that the King of Chu had favored her over the years. In addition to the relationship between the two, there was also the backstage of the Lu Mansion. She knew very well The palace weaving business is the foundation of the Lu family. If Lu Fei loses the palace weaving business, the business in his hand will be greatly affected. If the Lu family has no financial support, she will lose its backing.

She has been thinking about how to tell King Chu about this matter these days, and even in her heart she has already thought of a rough solution, but she didn't expect Lu Fei to break in like this today, he broke in like this, All the methods she had thought of before were ineffective.

If the weaving business of Lufei's palace was snatched away by someone else, she wouldn't be too worried, and she would try to get it back again, but that person was Bai Luo!

Over the years, Lu Zhu watched Bai Luo expand her business step by step, and she was very annoyed. She also secretly sent someone to spoil Bai Luo's business, but Bai Luo was extremely shrewd and tactful. He suffered a few dark losses in his hands, but quickly recovered the situation. This time, he even started the business of the palace weaving.

Seeing that King Chu's complexion was not good, she hurriedly said: "My lord, although my brother acted a little impulsively today, he didn't intend to offend the lord at all. The business of weaving in the palace has always been done by my brother. Over the years, my brother has treated the lord very well. There is no credit, but there is also hard work, and I ask the prince not to punish my brother."

The King of Chu glanced at her, his eyes darkened.

Concubine Chu said from the side: "The Lu Mansion may have really contributed to the Palace over the years, but did Master Lu's words just go too far? What does it mean that Luo Er acts despicable and shameless? Although I know the things in the mall There are not many, but we also know that quality and price have the greatest impact on buyers, Master Lu can't see his own business, and instead blames Luo Er, which seems a little too much."

Lu Fei was full of anger, but it was not easy to explode at this time, so he could only say: "Bai Luo is Wang Hao's nephew, it is normal for Wang Hao to favor him, but Wang Hao is a sensible person, if she knows Bai Luo After using the means, I’m afraid I won’t say that.”

His words were not very polite, Princess Chu's complexion turned cold, she sneered and said, "Luo Er, tell everyone what you did to Master Lu that caused him to comment on you like this."

(End of this chapter)

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