Chapter 1139
Hearing this, Bai Luo bowed respectfully to the King of Chu, and then said unhurriedly: "Originally, this matter was only between me and Master Lu, but it's really rude to bring it up in front of the Lord today. It's just that Aunt Wangfei asked me to tell the story of the grievances between me and Master Lu, so I will tell the ins and outs of the whole thing, so I can invite the princes and concubines present to comment, otherwise, I’m afraid I’m going to sit on the truth What a despicable and shameless name."

Princess Qionghua saw that the way he spoke at this time was completely different from the way he usually smiled in front of her. Not only did he show the shrewdness of a businessman, but he was neither humble nor overbearing, so she couldn't help but look at him again.

Luffy looked at him and said, "You don't have to speak so nicely, just because of the things you do, none of them are successful!"

Bai Luo was not annoyed when he heard the words, he put one hand behind his back, his eyes that were not too big were full of brilliance, he looked at Lu Fei and said: "Master Lu and I have been doing business for many years. There are also frequent fights in the business field. In the business field, as long as you don't do those despicable and shameless activities, then everything is reasonable and reasonable. How to win the hearts of the guests is up to each person."

King Chu and Chu Mo nodded their heads lightly when they heard the words.

Chu Mo knew Bai Luo as a character, and also knew that he had a good relationship with Chu Yuanzhou. Over the years, he had contributed money to Chu Yuanzhou to do a lot of things, and knew that Bai Luo was the nephew of Princess Chu, but Never got too close.

Earlier, when the court was collecting donations for the people of Huaishui, he had thought about going to Bai Luo to raise money, but at that time Chu Yuanzhou raised a lot of money from Bai Luo before him, so he didn't want to. Sorry to go again.

When he saw Bai Luo today, although he could see some traits of a businessman in Bai Luo, it is undeniable that Bai Luo, a businessman, is different from ordinary businessmen.

Bai Luo is obviously well versed in etiquette, and the way he salutes is very standard, one can tell that he has received a good upbringing.And what he did and said was full of wisdom. With just one glance, Chu Mo knew that Lu Fei was not Bai Luo's opponent.

Chu Mo's mind is very active at this time, and he also wants to see how Bai Luo will deal with this incident. If Bai Luo uses it together, he will naturally find opportunities to win him over in the future.It's just that the relationship between Bai Luo and the Chu Palace made Chu Mo feel a little embarrassed. For a while, he felt even more that if he got the help of the Chu King and Chu Yuanzhou, then the extreme position would not be far away from him.
He said slowly at the moment: "Although this king doesn't know how to do business, he also wants to hear what's going on between you and Mr. Lu. If there is anything, it's okay to say."

Bai Luo bowed to Chu Mo again, then walked to Lu Fei's side and said, "There is no personal grievance between me and Master Lu. We have been rolling in business all these years. Due to some It is a common business, so there has always been competition. Because of these competitions, Master Lu sent people to burn down the weaving and dyeing workshops in Baifu earlier, and also sent people to fight in front of the bank in Baifu. thing."

"You're talking nonsense, how could I do such a thing, Bai Luo, stop talking nonsense here!" Naturally, Lu Fei would not admit Bai Luo's testimony, and immediately refuted it.

(End of this chapter)

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