Chapter 1172 Peerless Suffering
Nangong Wushuang raised his eyebrows lightly, and Yun Qian asked again: "The marriage between you and the second prince has also been settled, so you should prepare to be your bride-in-law these days."

Nangong Wushuang's eyes dimmed after hearing Yun Qian's words, she bit her lips lightly and said, "I'm afraid this marriage may not come to fruition in the end."

Yun Qian was slightly surprised when she heard the words: "What's the matter?"

Nangong Wushuang's words really surprised her. She also knew Chu Yi's temperament, and she always kept her word.

Nangong Wushuang said in a low voice: "The second prince only married me because of the emperor's order, and he didn't have me in his heart. But I was originally a married princess, so I can't expect too much about the marriage, but now he doesn't even want to see me. I feel sad after all.”

What she didn't tell Yunqian was that during these days, Ash forced her to find Chu Yi every day. The purpose was actually very clear. She didn't hate Chu Yi in her heart, so she also obeyed Ash's arrangement, but no matter how she appeared in the In front of Chu Yi, Chu Yi didn't even look at her.

Although she knew that he might not be satisfied with their marriage, and she also knew her current status, but his indifferent appearance made her feel uncomfortable after all.

Just the day before yesterday, she received news from Tuo Yin that her biological mother, Mrs. Ruan's condition had worsened, and she felt a little more uneasy.

Although she is a princess, she is a very unfavored princess in Tuoyin. No one takes her seriously. She used to be difficult to protect Mrs. Ruan when she was in Tuoyin. Now that she leaves Tuoyin, it is even more beyond reach .

Up to now, in her opinion, Chu Yi is the only one who can help her. She spent a lot of effort yesterday to find Chu Yi, and begged him to write a letter to Tuo Yin, asking Tuo Yin King to replace Ruan The madam ordered a better doctor to treat her illness, but before she could say anything, Chu Yi issued an order to evict the guest, and he turned around and left, not wanting to hear her finish her sentence at all.

Nangong Wushuang thought about it all night last night, but he didn't think of a better way. Today, he really felt that he was in a panic, so he came to Yun Qian to relax.

It's just these details, Nangong Wushuang felt that there was no need to tell Yun Qian, after all, it was her private matter, and she couldn't shamelessly speak ill of her family in front of Yun Qian just because she had saved Yun Qian once.

After hearing Nangong Wushuang's words, Yunqian was slightly startled. Nangong Wushuang might not know much about the battles between the princes of the Great Zhou Dynasty, or the twists and turns, but Yunqian heard it from Chu Yuanzhou. Some things, knowing that Chu Yi went to the hall for some purpose that day.

It's just these things, Yun Qian felt that there was no way to talk about Nangong Wushuang, the more complicated things were said, the more likely people would misunderstand, so she could only persuade: "The second prince's temperament has always been cold, Wushuang Don't take it too seriously, it will be much better after you get married, so you don't have to think too much now."

Nangong Wushuang smiled and said: "It's not that I think too much, it's just that I have stayed in Dazhou for a long time now, and I also understand why all the ladies in the Dazhou Dynasty are so weak, so Tianmao is at home. No wonder you are weak. If I stay any longer, I’m afraid I won’t even be able to swing a whip in the future.”

Yun Qian also laughed when she heard the words, but asked, "How are Tuo Yin's ladies like?"

(End of this chapter)

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