Chapter 1173 The Lantern Festival
"I don't know what other people are like." Nangong Wushuang said slowly, "I grew up among wolves, and since I can remember, I have been running around on the grassland with bare feet all day long. Blood, but unrestrained, after I returned to the palace, the other sisters all regarded me as a monster, no one played with me, and when I lived with my mother, my mother was not healthy, so she didn’t care Me, I ran around the back wall of the palace every day."

There was a touch of tenderness in Yunqian's eyes, she smiled lightly and said, "No wonder the princess is so forthright."

Nangong Wushuang's eyes darkened and said: "I hate life in the palace. I don't know how many shameful things are hidden in the palace walls. Over the years, no matter how ignorant I am of the world, I can know a little bit, but until now, I still don't know much about it. I can’t see clearly the twists and turns in people’s hearts.”

Yunqian sighed softly. Chu Yi is a man with great ambitions. Over the years, Chu Yuanzhou has been trying his best to help Chu Yi gain power. Today, Chu Yi has gained the emperor's respect step by step, step by step towards power Nangong Wushuang's personality may not be suitable for being the mother of a country.

It's just that in her opinion, Nangong Wushuang and Chu Yi have the same lonely heart, but one shows coldness and the other shows enthusiasm. If such two people get married, they will definitely be able to develop feelings over time.

She said softly: "Wu Shuang was born in the royal family, and the second prince was also born in the royal family. You both know very well in your heart that there are no simple things in the royal family. The second prince is cold by nature, so there is really no need for Wushuang to let go of those things." In my heart."

Nangong Wushuang smiled and said: "Your concubine don't need to persuade me, since I came to get married, I know very well what I will face. It is my good fortune to meet the second prince."

Hearing what she said, Yun Qian didn't try to persuade her any more, and she was sweating for their marriage.

At dusk, the two of them packed up and went out. At this time, the lanterns had just come on, and the green wave avenue outside the capital was already crowded with people. On the gorgeous lanterns, various patterns were drawn, including flowers, birds, insects, fish, and others. Ladies, there are all kinds of playthings.

Since today is an annual event, there are also many hawkers on the street, some selling candied haws, some selling various small toys, and pastry specialties from all over the world.

There are many scenes about the Lantern Festival in Yunqian's memory, but it is the first time for her to experience it herself.

She felt that the grand occasion in front of her was even worse than Zhang Zeduan's "Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival". In this dynasty without modern technology, it was not easy to gather so many things.

After Yunqian came to this dynasty, she also ate a lot of pastries, but she had never eaten such a kind of food at a roadside stall similar to modern times. She pulled Nangong Wushuang along the long road The street kept going down, eating snacks while walking, Huanyu followed behind the two, her hands already full of various snacks.

After the two were full, they went to the place where they guessed the lantern fans. Although Nangong Wushuang showed her literary talents in the court hall a few days ago, she was not from the Great Zhou after all. People want to marry her.

In fact, her talent is still somewhat different from those talented scholars who have read poetry and books.

(End of this chapter)

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