Chapter 1178 Burning Lantern
Although Nangong Wushuang's martial arts were not very good, she was much better than ordinary women. She was not a vegetarian, so she immediately pulled out the whip behind her, and gave Chu Yuan a blunt blow.

Her martial arts were not high, but her whip technique was not bad. She pulled and whipped like this, and it fell on Chu Yuan's hand. As soon as the whip wrapped around his hand, he suffered pain, and the sword in his hand fell off.

As soon as the sword was dropped, the people surrounding it rushed over.

The man before said loudly: "It's really shameless. Is this to rob people's daughters in the street? Is there any law in this world!"

Because of Chu Yuan's action, the people's anger was immediately aroused to the highest point, and all the people were very angry.

Chu Yuan didn't expect to be a hero today and kicked the iron plate, and he was very annoyed. Seeing those people rushing over with crazy guesses, he was also a little scared.

He immediately slapped his horse's ass, he didn't care whether he would kick people down again or whether the horse could run away, so he wanted to leave, but those people didn't let him go, and immediately stretched out their hands to pull his pants.

Seeing this situation, Chu Yuan couldn't help being startled, and immediately felt anxious, and pushed Yu Huan off the horse.

Yu Huan was usually favored by Chu Yuan, but now that he was pushed by Chu Yuan, he couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Chu Yuan, but Chu Yuan didn't even look at him, and instead cursed: "It's all your fault. !"

Although he loves Yuhuan very much in his heart, it is only limited to the usual fights. When he is in danger, he naturally does not take Yuhuan's safety into consideration. He is still a little annoyed why Yuhuan dragged him out today to see Lanterns.

Yu Huan originally felt a little guilty about what happened today, but now when she saw Chu Yuan's face, there was a faint smile in her eyes, but her heart was full of relief.

On his face, he cried: "Prince, don't leave Huanhuan alone!"

Seeing him cry, Chu Yuan felt a little distressed, but at this moment he couldn't care less, and slapped the horse's butt again, and the horse hissed. Due to the loss of Yu Huan's weight, the horse's body lightened, Has jumped forward very fast.

But Yuhuan cried loudly again: "Prince, take Huanhuan with you!"

Chu Yuan ignored him at all, the horse raised its front hooves, and galloped forward very quickly. Originally, the lanterns were not hung very high, but the horse galloped like this, and it was already in front of those lanterns. .

The way of hanging lanterns in the Great Zhou Dynasty is very special. Those lanterns are all densely hung together, and the top is a net made of ropes. Basically all the lights are hung on those nets. At this time, Chu Yuan pulled it like this. Suddenly, the lamps in front of him became unstable, and one fell beside Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan was anxious at this moment, not wanting to be caught again, so he stretched out his hand and brushed those lamps away.

The outer skins of the lamps are all pasted with paper, and an oil lamp is placed inside. At this time, as soon as it is sprinkled, the lamp oil is poured on the lamp shell, and the lamp burns in an instant.

And Chu Yuan's wave was also a bit coincidental, just happened to brush the lamp on the knotted rope, and in just a moment, the adjacent rope was burned.

And the lamps hanging by the ropes fell down one after another because they lost the support of the ropes.

As soon as the rope was broken, the lamp not far away tilted, and the lamp oil overflowed. In an instant, all the lanterns on the street were burned, and the originally extremely lively market suddenly became a sea of ​​flames.

(End of this chapter)

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