Chapter 1179
The fire burned extremely fast, and it rushed around in the blink of an eye. Soon, not only the street was on fire, but even the houses on one side were also burned.

Chu Yuan was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene, and when the people who came to see the excitement saw the fire, they immediately yelled loudly and ran away. When he saw the people fleeing, there was a smile in his eyes.

At this time, the streets were full of panicked people shouting loudly: "It's flooded, it's flooded! Everyone, hurry up and put out the fire!"

In an instant, the street was in chaos, some people put out the fire, some ran for their lives, and the people who had come to enjoy the lanterns suddenly became a mess.

At this time, Chu Yuan didn't care about what the lanterns would look like, or where the fire would go. Seeing that the people in front left, he quickly ran forward as soon as he clamped his horse's belly.

At this moment, he saw a house not far away was burned by the fire from the lantern. The house was full of firewood for heating in winter, and when it was lit, the fire suddenly burst into the sky.
Seeing this scene, Chu Yuan still didn't take it seriously, and decided to continue running away.

But before he could run far, he heard a loud noise not far away, shaking the entire capital city.

Chu Yuan's horse was startled when it heard the loud noise, it spread its hooves and galloped.

When Chu Yuan was unprepared, he was thrown off the horse by the horse, and his buttocks fell apart immediately.

Whistles sounded in the surrounding streets, and Chu Yuan could tell that it was the gathering of Jing Jiwei. At this moment, he was a little scared in his heart, but he was not worried about how many people would be hurt by the loud noise just now. , but he was afraid that Jing Jiwei would chase him and catch him, which would cause trouble at that time.

Chu Yuan wanted to leave the alley after falling off his horse, but he heard the wind behind him. He turned his head and saw Chu Yi appearing in front of him in the robe of the leader of Jingjiwei.

Chu Yuan never put Chu Yi in his eyes, and immediately said disapprovingly: "Get out!"

There was only a chill in Chu Yi's eyes. He looked at Chu Yuan and said, "Today, someone accused the First Prince of kicking people down in the street, setting fire to the lanterns, and setting fire to the arsenal on South Street. This matter Too big, Chu Yi, as the guard of the capital, maintains the safety of the capital, I can’t hide the fact that the eldest prince did such a thing today, please go to the father and mother to explain to them!"

Chu Yuan was a little anxious when he heard Chu Yi's words. He knew that kicking and injuring people in the street and burning the lanterns might not be a big deal, but once the arsenal on South Street was blown up, the matter would be even bigger.

Only then did he remember that there are arsenals at the four city gates in the capital. This habit was left over from the previous dynasty. It was a big loss. At that time, it was because of the accumulation of firearms at the four city gates that they could not attack for a long time.

Also because of this matter, after Emperor Taizu broke the capital, he prepared four warehouses not far from the four city gates, which were filled with all kinds of explosives and weapons.

Chu Yuan knew these things no matter how bad he was, hearing what Chu Yi said at this time, he couldn't help but feel tight.

It's just that Chu Yuan never put Chu Yi in his eyes, and said coldly: "What are you, dare to talk to me like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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