Chapter 1183 The Loving Couple
But after meeting tonight, Nangong Wushuang realized that she was wrong. The world-famous Chu Yuanzhou is the world-famous Chu Yuanzhou. His name as the God of War is definitely not obtained by other people's bragging rights, but has real strength. of.

Such a man is enough to make women all over the world fall in love with him, and Nangong Wushuang also somewhat understands why so many women in the capital fell in love with him in the past.

She took another look at Yun Qian beside her, feeling a little envious in her heart. She only felt that a hero like Chu Yuanzhou was worthy only of a woman like Yun Qian. These two were really a match made in heaven.

And where is her hero?
Nangong Wushuang felt a little dark in her heart. At this time, the fire on the street had been extinguished by Jing Jiwei, and a horse came out from the corner. She heard the sound of horseshoes and looked back, but saw Chu Yi all over her body. The official robe of the leader of Jing Jiwei was turned out from inside.

He and Chu Yuanzhou belong to two completely different types of men. If Chu Yuanzhou is a ball of fire, then Chu Yi is a cry of ice. At this time, the two stood on the street and looked at each other, the corners of their mouths raised slightly .

The lights on the street were on and off at this time, which made the facial features of the two people more three-dimensional, and the appearance of the two people seemed a little unfathomable.

When Nangong Wushuang saw Chu Yi, he felt bitter for some reason, but the feeling in the middle couldn't be explained clearly in a few words. Chu Yi's ice-like eyes looked at her. Sometimes, she even felt a little stuck.

And Chu Yi's gaze only stayed on her for a moment, and then quickly turned to Yunqian. When that gaze fell on Yunqian, Nangong Wushuang clearly saw concern from that gaze .

At this time, the light was dim, and she couldn't even see Yi's face clearly, but somehow she saw that gaze, and her heart trembled slightly.

Nangong Wushuang glanced at Yunqian again, Yunqian was wearing a gauze hat on her head at this time, so she couldn't see her expression clearly, but Nangong Wushuang felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart, a faint sadness crawled over her heart, and soon It enveloped her entire atrium.

Chu Yi actually only glanced at Yunqian, and quickly turned his gaze away. Chu Yuanzhou slowly walked to Yunqian's side, and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

Yun Qian shook her head slightly, and Chu Yuanzhou said to her in a slightly reproachful voice: "Didn't I tell you not to run around these few days? Why did you run out again?"

Yun Qian pursed her lips lightly and said, "The princess came to see me. I thought there was nothing wrong with me, so I came out to have a look."

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were deep, and he stretched out his hand to rub Yunqian's face and said, "Next time, when I'm not by your side, don't go out again."

What he said was a bit domineering. If it was before, Yunqian must have been extremely uncomfortable hearing it, but now when he said this to her, she felt warm in her heart, and immediately responded obediently: "Okay."

The corners of Chu Yuanzhou's mouth raised slightly when he heard the words, he hugged her into his arms, and then said loudly: "Let's go, let's go back home!"

Yun Qian didn't expect him to make such a big move at this time, her face blushed, and she hurriedly said, "Wu Shuang is still here."

"I will send someone to send her back to the post house." Chu Yuanzhou said bluntly, but turned his head and gave Nangong Wushuang a fierce look and said, "It's good that Qianqian is fine today, otherwise, I will never end with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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