Chapter 1184 Capital Mutation
Nangong Wushuang smiled lightly after hearing Chu Yuanzhou's words, but Yunqian felt that Chu Yuanzhou was being rude, and immediately said in displeasure, "It was me and Wushuang who came out, what are you doing against her?"

Chu Yuanzhou snorted lightly, and Yunqian said again: "Don't be rude to my friends in the future."

Chu Yuanzhou didn't bother to talk anymore, and quickly disappeared into the night while holding Yunqian in his arms. Looking at the two of them, Nangong Wushuang was very envious. For women in this world, the happiest thing is probably There is a man who loves himself deeply.

As soon as Chu Yuanzhou left, two guards walked up to Nangong Wushuang and said, "Princess, we will send you back."

Nangong Wushuang didn't speak, but walked to Chu Yi, who was riding a big horse in the middle of the street, and said, "Second prince, how about you send me back?"

Chu Yi glanced at her, his eyes were still cold, he held the rein of the horse with one hand, and put it half behind his back, and then glanced at the fire that was about to go out. He was about to speak, but he heard the rumors from the street corner not far away. Here comes the whistle.

He immediately said indifferently: "Yi has a marriage contract with the princess, and should have personally sent the princess back to the station, but there is a big event in the capital tonight, and Yi, as the leader of the guards of the capital, cannot ignore the affairs of the capital. If you have to go to the palace to fulfill your orders, you won’t send the princess back to the station in person, and there will be guards around the prince to send the princess back, so I think it will be safe.”

Chu Yi's words were polite, but he refused thoroughly. He clamped his horse belly, and then disappeared into the night like a whirlwind.

Nangong Wushuang stood there for a long while. Although she knew that Chu Yi would probably reject her request when she came here, she still wanted to come and give it a try, but the result was the same as she expected, but it still made her feel sad. .

There were no pedestrians on the long street, and Chu Yi had already taken Jing Jiwei to patrol the city.

Although it wasn't snowing at this time, the cold wind hit, and the cold wind, as sharp as a knife, pierced into her neck.

Nangong Wushuang suddenly felt a little cold. Standing here like this, she felt endless loneliness hit her.

When she set off from Tuoyin, she already knew roughly the fate she was about to face, and she always thought it was her luck to meet Chu Yi.

But at this time, she felt that meeting Chu Yi might not be her luck, but her calamity, love calamity.

Nangong Wushuang didn't think she was a very sensitive person, but just now when Chu Yi only glanced at Yun Qian, she could feel that the woman in Chu Yi's heart was Yun Qian, not her.

Nangong Wushuang pursed her lips tightly, tears rolled down her cheeks, she gently sucked her nose, an unprecedented loneliness and helplessness buried her, she thought she was stubborn, but at this moment, she felt that she was very vulgar.

Nangong Wushuang walked forward slowly, but her head was lowered. She wished she could bury her head in her clothes and not have to face all kinds of things in this world.

The capital was in chaos that night, and the emperor heard the loud noise in the palace. He was very surprised and asked people to find out what happened outside the palace.

At the time of the loud noise, the emperor was having a small banquet with his concubine in the palace, but he knew very well in his heart that the reason why such a big commotion in Beijing was caused by something happened in the arsenal, otherwise it would not have made such a loud noise .

Because of the loud noise, the emperor had lost interest in the banquet and sat there with a cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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