Chapter 1186 Mother and Child Love
Eunuch Zhang looked at the emperor, at the concubine De, and then at the queen, and said in a low voice, "I dare not say that, the man stood in front of the palace and refused to come in, and the guards in the palace did not dare to speak to him." With just one finger, the emperor and empress will know after seeing it."

There was a hint of worry in the queen's eyes when she heard the words, and while everyone was not paying attention, she turned her head and asked the maid behind her, "Go and see if the eldest prince is in the palace."

The palace maid responded and withdrew.

After hearing what Eunuch Zhang said, the emperor said angrily: "You crazy person, I want to see who has such gall."

After the emperor finished speaking, he stood up. Seeing the emperor got up, Concubine De and the empress hurriedly followed, and all the maids and eunuchs around him also hurriedly followed. When the group walked out, the scene was absolutely majestic. .

When the emperor walked to the gate of the third palace, he heard an extremely arrogant voice: "If you dare to touch a single hair of my hair today, you will be punished severely when the emperor and mother come out! You are at this time Let me go obediently, and when I ascend the Great Treasure, I will definitely reward you all, you are the great heroes, you know?"

That voice was obviously from the eldest prince Chu Yuan, and the emperor trembled with anger when he heard that voice.

The queen couldn't help but feel a little anxious when she heard that voice, even though she was always alert, she didn't know what to do at this time.

The corner of Concubine De's mouth raised slightly, thinking that this was an excellent opportunity, she immediately turned her head to look at the queen, her eyes were full of disdain.For the women in the palace, their children are their greatest reliance. Today, if Chu wished to cause such a disaster, Concubine De could foresee that the queen's life would not be easy in the future.

The emperor stood there motionless and did not make a sound, neither did Concubine De and the empress, even if the empress wanted to remind her at this moment, she didn't dare, her head was spinning rapidly, what should she do? In order to minimize this matter.

Those guards did not dare to let Chu Yuan go after receiving Chu Yi's order, and they just pushed aside and said: "The second prince has an order, so we can't just let the eldest prince go, if the first prince is released, the second prince may be picked up I'm just waiting. The first prince will wait here for a while, and when the second prince arrives, he will take the first prince to the main hall to meet the emperor."

Chu Yuan said angrily: "You keep saying that the second prince, the second prince, is he worthy of that bastard Chu Yi? He is just a bastard of a low life, how can he deserve the title of second prince!"

The emperor's face became even more ugly when he heard the words. He stood there without moving, but saw another person walking up the palace steps, and the guards saluted that person: "I have seen the second prince."

Chu Yi nodded slightly and said, "Why are you still making noise here?"

Before the head of the guard could answer, Chu Yuan cursed loudly: "Chu Yi, you son of a bitch, you let me go quickly, and forget about hitting me ten times today, otherwise, it will be troubled by the queen mother." Go, the queen mother will definitely not spare you lightly!"

The emperor glanced at the queen when he heard these words, his eyes were full of chills, the queen was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, she also felt that it was difficult for Chu Yuan to become a talent, but because this was her only son, he was also very protective on weekdays Yes, over the years, no matter what kind of disasters Chu Yuan has encountered, she has stood up for Chu Yuan.

Just after she was about to speak, the emperor's cold eyes looked again, and it was impossible for her to warn Chu Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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