Chapter 1187
Hearing Chu Yuan's words at this time, the queen's heart was full of despair, but she could only watch there, and couldn't say anything more.

Chu Yi said unhurriedly: "My mother is a sensible person. Today, the elder brother committed crimes in the street and even burned the arsenal. I need to explain this matter to my father and the people who injured the elder brother. Even if the queen mother will ask me about my crime, I will admit it."

"Bah!" Chu Yuan scolded: "You just got the position of the commander of Jingjiwei. What's so great about it? Do you really regard yourself as a prince? Let me tell you Chu Yi, if the father really treats you If I were my son, I wouldn't leave you in Ningde for such a long time. To put it bluntly, you are nothing. If you let me go today, I will do this for you. If you dare to touch me I will let you go back to Ningde, and you will never return to the capital."

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint the Great Emperor today. No matter how the father thinks of me, I have to uphold justice for those people, not to mention getting an irrelevant person to contradict the Great Emperor. This is nothing to do with human life. The difference, I can't do these things no matter what. If the father and mother think that the elder brother is innocent, I will beat me back to Ningde, and I will be willing." Chu Yi said proudly and sternly, without any loosening.

When the emperor heard Chu Yi's words, there was warmth in his eyes, but it made Chu Yuan act recklessly.

Chu Yuan said angrily: "Chu Yi, don't be shameless!"

Chu Yi said nothing, and Chu Yuan said again: "You cheap bastard, you dare to attack me today, I gave you some face, you really take yourself seriously! Let me tell you, here It is the palace, it is my territory, and I will be the master of this palace in the future!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped Chu Yi with his unbroken hand.

Chu Yi stood there without moving or hiding, just watching coldly.

The slap in the face was immediate, and Chu Yi said slowly: "Even if the eldest prince wants to beat me to death today, I will definitely not magnify the prince and leave."

At the beginning, Chu Yuan was a little scared when he saw the arsenal being burned, but none of those people dared to be rude to him when he saw it later. In addition, he entered the palace again at this time, and he was very clear about the affairs in the palace. He also felt that this was the best time for him to escape, as long as he escaped at this time, then he could pretend that nothing happened and push everything away.

At this time, when Chu Yi came, the guards all took a step back. Chu Yuan felt that this was the only chance, and he felt terrified at the moment, and immediately pulled the sabers around the waists of the guards, and then quickly moved towards him. Chu Yi stabbed.

Chu Yi dodged sideways, and Chu Yuan stabbed with his sword again. Chu Yi clasped his hands together and clamped Chu Yuan's sword way: "Brother, what are you doing?"

Chu Yuan's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he said viciously: "Of course I killed you, and then pushed all the burning of the general's arsenal on you!"

Chu Yi said angrily: "Brother Dahuang, you are doing too much!"

"Not at all, you are just a bastard, even if you die, father will not be held accountable!" Chu Yuan's eyes widened and he said disdainfully.

In his heart, Chu Yi is nothing, and no one cares about life and death. How can he not be annoyed if such a person still bullies him?

(End of this chapter)

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