Chapter 119 I am Yunqian (5)

There was also a bit of displeasure in Yun Jingyan's eyes. He felt that Su Qiaohui hadn't been as magnanimous as before, and he had gone too far with Yun Qian. He snorted coldly and said, "Qiaohui , How do you discipline these children on weekdays?"

Su Qiaohui was very angry when she heard Yun Jingyan's words. She knew that if she didn't make a decision today, she would leave a small impression in front of Yun Jingyan, which would be very detrimental to her in the future.

So she gently pushed Yun Qian away, then looked at Yun Yan sharply and said, "Yan'er, kneel down!"

Yun Yan was also a little scared when she heard this, she said softly: "Mother..."

Earlier, Su Qiaohui told her that she was [-]% sure that she could knock Yunqian down, but the more she looked at the scene in front of her, the more wrong it became. Su Qiaohui's snarl made her heart tremble.

"Kneel down!" Su Qiaohui said with anger in her eyes: "Qian'er is your sister, how could you treat her like this? You are usually kind when looking at your sisters, but you bully Qian'er like that behind my back! Yi Qian'er is getting better, but you actually came up to me to pick apart people, saying that Qian'er is no longer Qian'er, I'm soft-hearted, I was temporarily distracted by your rhetoric, and I actually listened to you Greedy words! Fortunately, Qian'er is awake at this time, otherwise, I'm afraid she will be hurt by you again! Yan'er, you really let me down!"

Yun Qian's eyes were full of chills when she heard Su Qiaofeng's words, Su Qiaohui's words were really heartbreaking, she is the head of the house, without her instruction, would Yun Yan dare to do this?

Without her permission, would Yunyan dare to treat her like that before?

Maybe this time Yunyan didn't want Yunqian to marry Chu Yuanzhou because of jealousy, but those were just secret thoughts, so how dare she bring it to the surface like this.

She is indeed not Yunqian anymore, but her body is definitely Yunqian's, and she has all of Yunqian's memories. It is not very wise to say that she is not Yunqian.

Presumably Su Qiaohui thought she was a soft persimmon in the past, pinched it again and again, this time she wanted to pinch it again, but there was no door or window!
Yunqian felt that she should cooperate with Su Qiaohui at this time to seek some justice for this deity with this body, so she wept softly: "Sister, it's fine if you beat me and scolded me before, and forget about the poisonous snake biting me last time." , This time you actually said that I am not me, not my father's daughter, how can your mind be so vicious?"

"Someone is here, drag the third lady down and beat her twenty big boards, and she will be fined for one year, and she will not be allowed to leave the room without my permission!" Su Qiaohui gritted her teeth.

Yun Yan burst into tears when she heard the words: "Mother, please forgive me! I really didn't do those things! It was Fifth Sister who framed me!"

"Until now, I still don't know how to repent!" Yun Jingyan, who hadn't said a word, said sharply, "There's no need to ground your feet, and you can just send her to Fulai Nunnery to be an aunt! I, Yun Jingyan, don't have such a vicious daughter!"

Yun Jingyan seldom intervened in the affairs of the mansion in normal times, so it would not be too gentle to intervene in this way at this time.

As soon as he said this, everyone in the room was shocked. In this dynasty, if a woman is sent to the nunnery, it means that she will never be able to marry again in this life, and this life will be completely ruined.

When Yun Yan heard this sentence, she was out of breath for a moment, and immediately passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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