Chapter 120 Her Plan (1)

Su Qiaohui persuaded: "Master, isn't this a heavy fine for smoking? After all, she is still young and ignorant."

"Don't do it because of the smallness of evil!" Yun Jingyan said coldly: "Look at what Yan'er did, everything is extremely vicious, and Qian'er's injuries are most probably caused by her. It's okay to be ignorant before, but now I've reached the marriageable age, and my heart is still so vicious, if I'm really married, and I go to my husband's house to do such a thing, others will laugh at me, Yun Jingyan, for not being able to discipline children, At that time, it will bring disaster to Yunfu!"

Su Qiaohui didn't dare to intercede for Yunyan after hearing this, Yunluo and Yunyan looked at each other, but they didn't dare to speak.

Yun Qian wept softly: "Thank you father for upholding justice for my daughter, but it seems that punishing the third sister like this is a bit harsh."

At this time, she has to show her kindness and generosity, and she has to say what she said on the scene.

As for acting, Su Qiaohui is not the only one who knows how to act. If she wants to, she can act no worse than Su Qiaohui.

Yun Jing looked at Yun Qian and said, "Qian'er is kind-hearted and very happy for her father, but you don't have to plead for Yan'er, I will treat this daughter as if I never had it!"

This is what Yunqian wanted. She lowered her head slightly and stopped talking.

Seeing Yunqian's appearance, Su Qiaohui just wanted to slap Yunqian to death. In the past month or so, Yunqian has harassed her a lot, and she will never swallow this tone no matter what.

Su Qiaohui looked at Yun Qian again with a smile and said, "Qian'er, I heard from Yan'er and Luo'er that you were in the same room with Shi Zi in Mingzhong Mountain today, is there such a thing?"

Yun Qian's face was reddish and said: "If you go back to your mother, there is indeed such a thing, it's just the son's temper, and my father has heard about it if he wants to come. He has always acted according to his will, and his daughter's strength is weak, so how can she twist it? He. Besides, he said that he has offered me a job offer, and that he must marry me as a child."

Her voice was a little shy, a little helpless.

Su Qiaohui frowned slightly and said: "You child, you are too unreserved, and you are in the same room with him before you pass the door. If it gets out, people will not say anything about the son, but you will only say that you are too frivolous."

"My mother taught me the same thing, that's what I told Shizi at the time." Yun Qian said softly, "But Shizi insisted on doing it, and I couldn't screw him even if I tried my best, and I didn't dare to speak too loudly, for fear of other people's gossip."

This woman is really not ordinary vicious, and she still doesn't forget to slander her reputation at this time.

Su Qiaohui still wanted to put a hat on Yun Qian again, but Yun Jingyan said: "Stop blaming Qian'er, you may not know about Shizi's temperament as a woman, but I have heard it a lot. Etiquette is like nothing. If other people do such a thing, it would be outrageous, but if it happened to Shizi, it would be perfectly normal."

When Su Qiaohui heard Yun Jingyan speak for Yun Qian, she felt very uncomfortable immediately, and she said softly, "But Shizi's reputation for Qian'er is not very good. After Qian'er marries into the Chu Palace in the future, she might be taken as such." Let's talk about things."

"You don't have to worry too much about this." Yun Jingyan said with a smile: "Although the king of Chu has many concubines, the son has no concubines. He had a lot of romantic affairs in the early years, but now he can settle down. It is extremely rare to marry a wife. Earlier when I saw him coming to the mansion to ask for marriage, I thought he was just playing for fun as before, but now looking at Shizi's formation, it seems that Qian'er has been sincerely moved."

(End of this chapter)

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