Chapter 1199
Yunqian knew that Princess Qionghua was referring to the fact that Nangong Wushuang personally went to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to identify Chu Yuan for riding a horse and wounding people on the street, and then set fire to all the lanterns. Chu Yuanzhou told her about this matter yesterday. Because of these, in addition to the emperor convicting Chu Yuan, the Ministry of Criminal Justice also found enough evidence to fully file the case.

Only then did Yun Qian know that in this dynasty, even though no one could violate the imperial power, the entire dynasty also had a relatively complete system in terms of criminal law. If there was no case filed, even if the emperor sentenced it, the Ministry of Punishment could still question it.

After the queen was grounded, she asked her natal family to handle the matter immediately, hoping to clear Chu Yuan of the crime, but there were many people who saw Chu Yuan committing murder that day, and with Nangong Wushuang's testimony, Chu Yuan's crime was confirmed, and there was no chance of turning over.

Yun Qian's eyes deepened, but Princess Qionghua said in a low voice: "Maybe this is fate! I did such a stupid thing earlier, and now I should bear the consequences."

Yun Qian saw that there was a hint of sadness in her eyes, but she couldn't say anything more, so she said softly, "Sister, the matter of the son-in-law is over and it's over, don't take it to heart."

Princess Qionghua smiled and said, "I've figured it out a long time ago, but I still feel uncomfortable when I see Nangong Wushuang. At worst, I won't see her in the future."

Yun Qian smiled, and before expressing her opinion, Princess Qionghua almost said to herself: "I have never been afraid of anyone in my life, but now I am afraid of that blue-eyed foreign woman, it really is a thing. "

Yun Qian never thought that the phrase "one thing falls one thing" could be used in this way. She looked at Princess Qionghua and said, "The matter between my sister and Bai Luo..."

"You are not allowed to mention that white fat man in front of me again in the future." Princess Qionghua said with anger in her eyes, "Whoever mentions him to me, I am in a hurry!"

Even though she said this, the rejection in her heart was not as strong as it was at first.

Yun Qian could only shut up when she heard the words, and then shook her head slightly.

Princess Qionghua said again: "That fat white man is so dark-hearted, Qianqian, don't be fooled by his appearance, do you know that? He is a pervert, and he wants to drag me into the White Mansion." , all I think about are those things that are not popular."

Yun Qian's eyes flickered, she looked at Princess Qionghua and said, "If he is really full of those low-level thoughts, why can't he do things outside, why bother to bring my sister into the White House?" House?"

Princess Qionghua was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and Yun Qian said slowly: "My sister can't tolerate him in her heart, so she naturally thinks about him in those bad ways, but has my sister ever thought about whether he has harmed you since you met? Have you? When he has the opportunity to treat you lightly, may he get involved in you?"

Princess Qionghua didn't know how to answer for a while, her eyes darkened a bit, but at the moment she said unreasonably: "I told you not to mention him in front of me again! Qianqian, if you do something wrong again in the future If it's something like the Broken Bridge, I'll break up with you!"

Yun Qian raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, and felt that it was really hard to say anything about these two people, so she had to give up now.

When the carriage drove to the second palace gate, all three of them got off the carriage and walked into the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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