Chapter 1200
It's just that Princess Qionghua stood in front of the carriage, and she was obviously worried. She looked at a gem the size of a pigeon egg in her hand, exhaled lightly, and then shook her head lightly.

Her mind was quite deep at this time, many things went back and forth, after thinking about it in a tortuous manner, there seemed to be results, but it seemed to have no results, but it made her even more confused.

She has always been a person who dares to love and hate. She once sacrificed her whole life for that love, but now ten years have passed by in a hurry, and the feelings in her heart have gradually faded away. Also figured it out.

She let out another breath towards the majestic palace, her royal family background, Xu was the source of her pain all her life.

Seeing her standing there in a daze, Yun Qian coughed lightly.

Princess Qionghua pulled down her sleeves, and then covered the huge gemstone.

Princess Qionghua's actions naturally fell into Yunqian's eyes, and Yunqian's eyebrows slightly raised. Bai Luo was really willing to spend all his money for Princess Qionghua, and the things he gave to Princess Qionghua during these days may be All worth tens of thousands of gold.

The three of them walked slowly to the gate of the third palace, and a man dressed like a eunuch walked up to Chu Yuanzhou and said, "My lord, the emperor has been waiting for you at the military plane for a long time, hurry up!"

Chu Yuanzhou frowned and said, "The emperor is waiting for me at the military plane? But what happened?"

"The slave doesn't know." The eunuch said softly: "Early this morning, a letter was sent to the capital by a fast horse. The servant listened outside for a while, and only vaguely heard the words that Xiliang came to commit crimes. The emperor ordered the military plan early in the morning The ministers at the office are discussing the countermeasures. Since the son is now a civil servant, the slave was missed in the transmission. Just now the emperor asked the son and scolded the slave, so the son should go quickly!"

Chu Yuanzhou knew that the relationship between Xiliang and Dazhou in the past few years was neither good nor bad, and it could only be described as peaceful and peaceful. There have always been disputes about the matter, but it was just a lip service.

At this time, he suddenly said that something happened, and he was afraid that he had something to do with the Saintess of the Snow Mountain. His eyes darkened slightly, and he said unhurriedly, "I see."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Yun Qian and said: "The emperor has something to discuss today, and I think I won't be able to see you, so you and your aunt should go back first!"

Yun Qian responded, saying that the holy attainment should not be delayed, Chu Yuanzhou followed the eunuch and walked towards the direction of the military plane. Seeing the scene, Yun Qian planned to go back home with Princess Qionghua. At this moment, a court lady Walked over and said: "Shi Zifei, my mother has an invitation."

Yun Qian asked curiously, "Which empress is your master?"

The palace maid replied: "It's Empress Defei."

Yun Qian and Princess Qionghua looked at each other with suspicion in their eyes. Yun Qian had met Concubine De several times, but they didn't have any friendship on weekdays.

Yun Qian asked, "I don't know what the Concubine De wants to see me for?"

The maid said softly: "Yesterday, the son and the concubine handed over the papers and said that they would enter the palace to thank you. The emperor has already agreed, but today there is a sudden military incident. The emperor has no time to see the concubine, so he asked my mother to stay in the Dekun palace." See the concubine."

The implication is the meaning of the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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