Chapter 1208
No matter how thick-skinned Chu Shu was, he couldn't hold back at this time. He left without looking back after saying this, but he heard laughter coming from the room. At this moment, he just wanted to hit the wall, and felt that Today, the wisdom of the whole life is ruined.

Concubine De is so shrewd, she also saw that something was wrong, but she didn't like Chu Shu in the first place, and today she wanted to win over Yun Qian, so she just smiled lightly and didn't ask any more questions.

However, after Chu Shu left, Chu Han suddenly remembered the day of the first day when he saw Yun Qian and Chu Shu together in the palace. The hairpin is very similar to the one in front of me.

He was still wondering what would happen between Yunqian and Chu Shu earlier, but by now, all doubts in his heart had disappeared. Even though Yunqian had lied to him before, he felt a little happy at this moment.

He couldn't help but turned his head to look at Yunqian again, only to see that she had a faint smile, and the faint smile in the corners of her eyes and brows, her smile was like a peach blossom in March, very delicate and beautiful, and like a lotus out of water, it can't be seen from a distance obscene play.

At this moment, his heart suddenly calmed down. He still had a bit of hatred for her, but it disappeared completely at this moment. He suddenly understood that the relationship between him and her, from the beginning, was just He wished nothing more.

This luncheon was held in an extremely relaxed atmosphere, even though Princess Qionghua and Concubine De were not getting along all the time, because of what happened just now, Princess Qionghua felt very happy in her heart, and she didn't care about those things.

Concubine De pulled Yun Qian to say something again, and after the banquet was over, Yun Qian got up to say goodbye, and walked out slowly with Princess Qionghua.

The two walked to a secluded place, and Princess Qionghua laughed loudly and said, "Today's event is really interesting. I'm afraid Chu Shuchang has never lost such a big face for being so big. Qianqian, do you feel relieved?"

"Relief is just relief, I'm afraid he will hate me to the bone in the future." Yun Qian sighed softly.

"You are not money, how can you expect to be loved by everyone." Princess Qionghua said disapprovingly: "That bastard Chu Shu originally had bad intentions, so why should you be polite to him?"

Yun Qian smiled, but didn't speak. She knew that even if she didn't meet Chu Shu in that situation, she would meet him in other places because of the fights in the court.

Due to various positions, Chu Shu and Chu Yuanzhou would become rivals as soon as possible, but the development of things was accelerated because of her affairs.

Princess Qionghua asked again: "Qianqian, the medicine you gave Chu Shu today is not really the medicine for bee poison?"

Yun Qian smiled and said, "Sister, do you think it's possible? Would I be so kind?"

The smile in Princess Qionghua's eyes became stronger, but she said with some disappointment: "You and him are so unhappy today, after he leaves, he will definitely throw away your medicine and won't use your medicine, are you afraid? It’s a waste of a bottle of medicine.”

There was a gloomy look in Yunqian's eyes, and he said, "As long as he opens the bottle and smells it, that's enough, it doesn't matter whether he uses it or not."

Since she suffered a loss in Chu Shu's hands last time, she has become more careful in doing things. When she came out, she carried various medicines in her hand, and one of them was tailor-made for Chu Shu.

She thought that the bottle of medicine would take some time to be used, but she didn't expect to use it today, and Chu Shu really looked for opportunities.

(End of this chapter)

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