Chapter 1209 Wonderful Poison and Wonderful Poison
Princess Qionghua asked curiously, "Qianqian, what poison did you poison him?"

The last time she lived in Chu Palace, she knew that Yun Qian was very skillful in using poison. Today, she heard that Yun Qian used poison on Chu Shu, and she was really curious.

Yun Qian smiled and said: "The fourth prince claims to be unparalleled in romance, and he likes to do those romantic things so much, so I naturally want to give him a big gift. When he sees beauties in the future, he should just look at them and not eat them."

Earlier, she was angry with Chu Yuanzhou in her heart, and she gave Chu Yuanzhou the medicine of inaction, but at that time, she was angry, and she still had him in her heart, so when she poisoned him, she was still merciful.

As for Chu Shu, he almost killed her last time, and this time he threatened her like this again, so she would naturally not be polite to him. She personally prepared the antidote for him, and he was afraid that he would have to abstain from sexual intercourse for the rest of his life.

For a lustful man, looking at a beauty and not being able to eat it is probably the most torturous thing in the world.

Yun Qian also wanted to poison Chu Shu to death, but on such an occasion as today, she couldn't do it no matter what.

Princess Qionghua laughed when she heard the words, she took a look at Yun Qian and said: "Qian Qian, if you really offend anyone, don't offend you. You are probably able to bring down a group of people with your poisonous invisible kung fu."

Yun Qian sighed softly and said, "If I had a choice, I wouldn't want to use poison either."

When Chu Yuanzhou arrived at the military plane, he saw the emperor sitting there with a cold face. When the ministers of the military plane saw him coming, they all got up and saluted him, and he saluted the emperor.

The emperor helped him up and said: "The spies came to report that Xiliang's soldiers and horses have accumulated to the border. Although they haven't attacked yet, I am very worried. Yuanzhou often dealt with Xiliang earlier. You may guess that Xiliang Cool, what are you going to do?"

Originally, it was just Xiliang's army pressing down on the border, and there was no attack. Under such circumstances, the emperor didn't need to ask.

It's just that the Huaihe River was flooded last year, and there was not much grain in the granary. If there was a real war, the emperor would be a little worried about the grain.In addition, these years the emperor was always worried that the king of Chu would cause trouble, so he made some reforms in the military system. In the past two years, the number of soldiers and horses in the Great Zhou Dynasty was much less than that in the previous two years. Originally, the emperor's plan was to gradually reduce the number of soldiers in the Chu Palace. Horses, it's just that the soldiers and horses of Chu Palace have not been cut off much, and the war is overwhelming.

So the emperor was a little nervous, afraid that something would happen, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

What worries the emperor the most is that most of the generals in the court come from the palace of the prince of Chu. Although the king of Chu said several times that he would hand over the power, the emperor did not allow it. The king's power, the generals under him will not accept it, and it will cause turmoil at that time, so the emperor has always planned to use a milder method to seize the power of the king of Chu.

At this time, the emperor asked Chu Yuanzhou to participate in this matter, but did not let the king of Chu come. There is a deep meaning belonging to the emperor.

The main reason is that Chu Yuanzhou is more familiar with Xiliang than anyone else.

Chu Yuanzhou glanced at the sand table, and then asked a few more questions. He put one hand on his chest and the other on his chin. After thinking for a while, he said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, this is just Xiliang's bluff. They must not dare to attack."

"How can you see that?" the emperor looked at him and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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