Chapter 1217 The Selection Bureau
Yun Qian has nothing to do in the palace, and often chats with Princess Chu. Although Princess Chu is now in charge of the middle office in the palace, she hardly cares about it and leaves all matters to Yun Qian to handle. She is very happy quiet.

According to the rules, the concubine's room in the palace is for Concubine Chu's peace of mind, but Concubine Chu has always been afraid of trouble, and she is too lazy to take care of these things. Things are saved, and I grow orchids when I have free time on weekdays, and I live a very comfortable life.

On this day, Princess Chu asked Yilan and Yixiu to bring the orchids out to bask in the sun. Orchids are shade-loving plants, so they are suitable for growing indoors on weekdays, but Princess Chu feels that the cold winter has passed, and she should let the orchids see the sun .

She is very good at raising orchids, no matter how delicate the orchids are, she can raise them very well.

These days the weather is getting warmer day by day, and Princess Chu often goes out for a walk. After Yunqian's recuperation in the past few months, her body has recovered. Now she is standing under the sun like this, she feels that this picked up It is a blessing to be able to enjoy such sunshine in my life.

Seeing that she had nothing to do after the orchids were moved, she asked Yilan and Yixiu to help her take a walk in the yard.

As soon as she came out of the yard, she found the peach blossoms outside the house were in full bloom. She remembered that the peach tree was planted when she first married the King of Chu, and now it has grown very big.

Concubine Chu looked at the peach tree with deeper thoughts. These years have passed by in a hurry. Her youth was buried and her temperament became more peaceful. The flowers danced from it.

She missed dancing for the rest of her life, and now dancing has brought her only deep regret, but a small incident changed her life.

In such a spring, her heart became more and more heavy.

Although it is not sad for spring and autumn, but there is also a part of helplessness after years of precipitation.

She was in a gloomy mood, so she stopped looking at the peach blossom, turned her head and walked under the corridor, only to see that the cactus that Chu Yuanzhou planted for Yunqian last year has now sprouted new buds, and the fleshy little cactus looks It looks green and lovely.

Thinking of Chu Yuanzhou and Yun Qian, the corners of Princess Chu's mouth could not help but rise slightly, hoping in her heart that the two would not be like her and King Chu, who had exhausted their youth but only had a little hatred.

When she turned her head, she saw a few maids gossiping under the flower tree not far away. She smiled, and when she turned to leave, she heard one of the maids say: "I only talk about the days ago." The concubine Shizi went out to meet the second prince secretly while the son was away, but I don't know if it's true or not."

"Who knows about this, but with the temperament of the concubine, I can see that she can do anything. Earlier, the concubine was engaged to Ye Wuchen, and it is said that the concubine even tried to die for Ye Wuchen! " another maid said.

Princess Chu frowned slightly when she heard these words, and there was a look of displeasure in her eyes. She still trusted Yun Qian's character, and Yilan wanted to speak out, but she raised her hand to stop her.

She likes Yunqian and has heard about Yunqian and Ye Wuchen, but she doesn't like other people talking about Yunqian behind her back.

She was just about to step forward to reprimand her, but she heard a servant girl say: "It is said that the person the concubine Shizi liked before was the second prince, and she wanted to die for Ye Wuchen because she mistook the second prince for Ye Wuchen. .”

(End of this chapter)

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