Chapter 1218 Picking Again
Princess Chu felt unhappy when she heard this. She could tell that Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou had a deep relationship, and it didn't seem like they had other people in their hearts. It's just that the words these maids said were a bit strange.

Her eyes deepened, but she heard another maid say: "It is said that the concubine has a deep-rooted affection for the second prince. The prince also knows about this, but because of the second prince's face, he has been holding back." That's all."

Concubine Chu couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately said sharply: "Which girl are you from, how dare you talk about the right and wrong of the master behind your back?"

When those maids saw that it was Princess Chu, they were startled, and immediately fell to their knees and said, "My concubine is guilty!"

Yilan said softly in front of Princess Chu: "Princess, they are help cooks in the big kitchen."

Concubine Chu snorted coldly and said: "The palace has a decree for a long time that servants are not allowed to discuss the matter of the master behind their backs. You go to the execution room to get the five boards yourself! Yixiu, go and watch."

She likes Yun Qian, so she wouldn't let these maids slander Yun Qian so much. Now that Yun Qian is in charge, if these maids were not instructed by others, how would they dare to say these things in front of her?

She didn't come out much on weekdays, and when she heard these things, she felt a little annoyed.

After Princess Chu returned to her room, Yixiu also came back not long after, she said softly: "Princess, the execution is over, they only heard what they said, they don't know who it came from, it seems The people who deal with this matter are very careful, but if it is allowed to pass on like this, I am afraid that Shi Zifei..."

"Actually, you don't need to guess." Princess Chu said softly: "Lu Zhu's life has been stable recently, and troubles have started again."

Yixiu's eyes moved slightly, and she said softly: "What is the princess' guess."

Princess Chu's eyes deepened, but she shook her head lightly. She has always been reluctant to fight with Lu Zhu. The main reason is that she has been extremely disappointed in King Chu, and the fight with Lu Zhu, In the final analysis, she was fighting for favor, and she was really disdainful.

On the second day, Princess Chu was resting in the house, and the steward came in and said, "Princess, Jingyan is about to get married, and my son asked me to prepare a gift for Prince Jing's mansion. Princess Hua, although this gift is expensive, it is not in accordance with the rules of etiquette, I would like to ask the princess if it should be wrapped in red silk and then stamped with the golden seal of Chu Palace?"

The rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty is that whenever a member of the royal family gets married, the person in the royal family will send a congratulatory gift. In order to show solemnity, the gift needs to be wrapped in red silk. In addition to the red silk, it also needs to be stamped with a gold seal.

Princess Chu saw that those gifts were just packed in a box, she smiled and said, "Yuanzhou is still as frizzy as he was when he was a child, and he has forgotten even these things. Even if he has a good relationship with Prince Jing, giving gifts at this time How can you be so sloppy representing Chu Wangfu?"

The steward smiled lightly when he heard the words: "If so, then I will go find a piece of red silk to wrap this gift. It's just that the prince is also in court today, and the princess has to fight to get the gold seal."

Princess Chu knew that the steward came to her just to ask her to take the key to get the gold seal in the study, and the gold seal was of great importance, so she could only go there in person.

Since Yunqian is in charge of the palace recently, and Chu Yuanzhou's study is separate from King Chu's study, the gold seal of the head of the palace is in Chu Yuanzhou's study.

(End of this chapter)

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