Chapter 1219
After Princess Chu entered Chu Yuanzhou's study, she opened the cabinet on one side of the desk, and there was a box inside, which contained a gold seal.

Princess Chu put the golden seal on and wanted to lock the cabinet. After the manager thanked her, she withdrew. She wanted to return the golden seal, but she saw that there seemed to be a letter under the golden seal box. She was a little curious. I opened it and took a look, but saw that there was no signature on the envelope.

She thought for a while, and opened the letter to take a look, only to see a line of words written on it: "I don't see you in a day, it's like three autumns. I miss you, but I don't care about the day and night. If you are well, it will be sunny." .”

Princess Chu saw that the line of characters was very rough, like a man's handwriting, but the handwriting was not Chu Yuanzhou's. She was even more curious in her heart, and saw the signature "Yi" written in small seal script below.

Princess Chu frowned when she saw the word Yi. Among the people she knew, only Chu Yi had the word Yi in her name.

There was a look of displeasure in Princess Chu's eyes, and she unconsciously remembered what the two maids said yesterday, and because she didn't care about Zhongfu, this drawer was used by Yunqian on weekdays, so this key would be fine. Neither did Chu Yuanzhou.

Princess Chu thought about it and decided to put the letter back.

After Yunqian returned to the mansion that night, she went to Princess Chu to give her an injection. Princess Chu felt a little unhappy after thinking about what she saw today, but she still believed that Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou had a deep relationship. In the final analysis, the matter of Yi is just a matter of catching the wind and catching shadows.

So she said with a slight smile: "Qian'er, those trivial matters under the golden seal should be burned in the future, and it will make me feel regretful after all."

Yun Qian suddenly heard Princess Chu's words inexplicably, and immediately glanced at Princess Chu and said, "Mother, did you use the golden seal today?"

Concubine Chu said indifferently: "Yuanzhou is a big fool. I didn't use gold silk or gold seal to give the wedding gift to King Jing. It's really rude. You're not here today, so I opened the drawer with the key and used the gold. print."

Yun Qian nodded lightly and said, "It's still my mother who is thoughtful, and I think everything has been done properly."

But she still felt a little strange in her heart. Just now Princess Chu said that there was something busy under the golden seal, and she didn't know what she was referring to. She was about to ask Princess Chu, but Yixiu came in with a trick and said, "Princess let me go this morning." I've been looking for a pattern for lily of the valley for a long time, but I don't know if it suits the princess' wish."

Concubine Chu looked at it, and nodded with a smile. She thought it would be good to stop at the matter just now. After all, Yunqian is a person who knows how to measure.

Seeing that the topic had been diverted, Yun Qian didn't want to ask any more questions, and sat there and chatted for a while before leaving.

After she left, she always felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it carefully, she went to the study again, opened the drawer of the study, but saw that there was nothing under the gold seal, and she didn't understand what happened for a while.

She stood in front of the study and thought for a while, with a hint of coldness in her eyes, then she called the manager over and asked, "Why is the princess here today?"

The steward told the story of Chu Yuanzhou giving Chu Yi a gift, and Yun Qian felt even more strange when she heard the words. She glanced at the steward, her eyes dim, but the steward was secretly startled. She said unhurriedly: "If that's the case, it's hard work for you, it's okay, you can go down!"

(End of this chapter)

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