Chapter 122 Her Plan (3)

Su Qiaohui was not happy to hear Yun Jingyan's order, but she still complied.

Yun Jingyan also had his plans in his heart, even though he didn't like Yun Qian very much, Yun Qian was still his daughter, and because of Mo Chou these days, he liked Yun Qian a lot.

Whether it is Yun Yan or Yun Qian marrying into the Chu Palace, it is a good thing for Yun Jingyan. If the Yun Palace and the Chu Palace are married, they will be their own. If Yun Yan marries the third prince again, then the third prince will be a Once he becomes the emperor, his aspect will be more stable.

Yun Jingyan had his plan, but Su Qiaohui also had hers. Even if Yun Jingyan told her to treat Yun Qian well, she would not be able to watch Yun Qian marry Chu Yuanzhou, Mo Chousheng's bastard, How can you enjoy yourself!
When she thought of Mo Chou, she hated him even more, so she snorted coldly.

Yun Qian was very disapproving of today's events. In her memory, Yun Jingyan seldom took care of the affairs of the backyard, but seeing Yun Jingyan climbing to the current official position step by step, he definitely had a means.

Looking at Yun Jingyan's daily work, he is definitely a cruel and cruel person. He is speaking for her today, probably because of Chu Yuanzhou's plan to marry her.

Yunqian felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. Even if she dismissed Chu Yuanzhou's marriage, she had to admit that this marriage would have a huge impact on her.

When she came out, Huanyu and Shuxiu rushed up to meet her and asked, "Miss Fifth, how are you doing?"

Yun Qian nodded her head lightly, Shuxiu said softly: "Mrs. Cai locked the two of us in the room just now, but I was terrified. It's good that Fifth Miss is fine now."

Yunqian said softly: "Well, it's okay, let's go back." According to Su Qiaohui's temperament, it is absolutely impossible for her to marry into Chu Palace smoothly, and I am afraid that there will be more things waiting for her in the future.

She spoke easily, but Shuxiu's eyes were full of worry.

Huanyu happily said: "Miss Fifth is going to marry Prince Chu, and we won't have to be afraid of anyone anymore!"

Yun Qian was a little speechless when she heard Huanyu's words. Although this little girl is very loyal, she is really silly and naive sometimes, but she can't say these words clearly. Sometimes it's better to be simple, so that you can be happy.

She discovered those scars on her body after she came to this world. She thought about trying to get rid of them all, but she didn't have any suitable medicine at hand, and she was always fighting with Su Qiaohui, so she never cared about it. Things, I don't want to help her a lot today.

It's thanks to Su Qiaohui that she is not Yunqian.

It's useless to keep those scars now, she still has to find a way to get rid of those scars.

That night, after Yun Jingyan and Su Qiaohui finished their meal, they went to Mo Chou's place. Su Qiaohui was very angry, but he still pretended to be generous and sent Yun Jingyan out.

After Yun Jingyan left, Su Qiaohui sat alone at the table and sulked. Yun Yan walked in and said, "I saw my father went to the third aunt. Mother, if this continues, my father's heart will fly to the third aunt. went.

Su Qiaohui was originally angry about this matter, but Yun Yan's words undoubtedly added fuel to the flames. She patted the table heavily and said, "That vixen, Mo Chou, dared to seduce your father just because of his good looks!"

(End of this chapter)

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