Chapter 123 Vicious Heart
Seeing that Su Qiaohui was angry, Yun Yan comforted her softly: "Mother, you are the wife of the wife, so you don't have to worry about concubines like the third concubine. Besides, mother also has ways to get rid of the third concubine."

Su Qiaohui sighed softly and said, "Now that their mother and daughter are colluding, and your father has been on a high note these days, I'm going to attack Mo Chou right now, but I'm just holding the handle in someone else's hands."

Yun Yan said in a low voice: "I didn't kill Fifth Sister today, but let her beat me up. Thinking about it, I'm really angry. Today, she still speaks ill of me in front of the third prince. I don't know what's going to happen."

When Su Qiaohui heard Yun Yan's words, her heart calmed down a little. She looked at Yun Yan and said, "Yan'er, I absolutely will not let Yun Qian marry into Chu Palace. It is a pity for Yun Yan today."

"Third Sister, she is too restless, and she is useless now, mother doesn't have to feel sorry for her." Yun Yan said disapprovingly.

She has been by Su Qiaohui's side since she was a child, and she has seen through the calculations for a long time. For these sisters in the Yunfu, she has always trampled them under her feet.

Su Qiaohui frowned and said, "Yan'er, it's not right for you to think this way. Yunyan is a weapon in our hands, and it would be a pity to lose it. Yunluo is also very slick, she is not as easy to use as Yunyan."

Yun Yan replied: "What mother said is very true, but now we are in an advantage, so we don't need to care too much about one or two chess pieces."

Su Qiaohui sighed lightly, but said nothing more.

Yun Yan asked again: "Mother, can you think of a way to deal with Yun Qian?"

Su Qiaohui's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "This time, we have to think about it carefully, we were too hasty in what we did tonight, and we have to be more careful in the future, or we don't make a move, and we must make Yunqian completely turn around if we do." I can't live. As long as Yunqian is gone, it's not a problem to clean up Mo Chou. It's just that I was really careless about this matter before. If I had been more ruthless before, Mo Chou would have disappeared long ago, and there would be no troublesome things like today gone."

Yun Yan nodded her head lightly, at this moment, Mother Sun ran in and said, "Ma'am, Second Aunt please see me."

As soon as she finished speaking, the second concubine, Zheng Wushuang, ran in and said, "Madam, you must save Yan'er this time! What is the matter if the master wants to send her to the nunnery? Over the years, Yan'er has helped his wife I have done a lot of things, and there is hard work without credit!"

Su Qiaohui originally felt that Yunyan's matter was a pity, but Zheng Wushuang made such a fuss, and Su Qiaohui was also a little annoyed. She put the teacup in her hand heavily on the table and said, "Why howling? I'm not dead yet!"

Seeing that she was angry, Zheng Wushuang couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Su Qiaohui squinted her eyes and said, "What do you mean Yan'er has done a lot for me over the years? I'm her mother, why don't I ask her to do something?" Okay? Let you, the aunt, question me?"

Zheng Wushuang is not a scheming person, so when she heard what Su Qiaohui said, she was a little anxious, and she said loudly: "I dare not say anything else, but can you say that what happened tonight was not your wife's idea? You set up this game to deal with Miss Fifth, but you made Yan'er look like this. Madam put all the responsibility on Yan'er. We also admit this, but Madam can't just ignore Yan'er like this! If you really go to the nunnery, I'm afraid Yan'er's life will be ruined!"

(End of this chapter)

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