Chapter 1224 Please enter the urn
As for the relationship between Yunqian and Chu Yi, even though the love between Yunqian and Chu Yi is still unbroken because of the hands and feet made by the Snow Mountain Saintess, but at this time she prepared these things with her own hands, as if she had married him once, from now on From now on, completely cut off affection for him.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and her eyes were slightly annoyed. If it wasn't for the Snow Mountain Saintess, she wouldn't have to be tortured by these things.

The patterns on it were very delicately embroidered, and she liked the colors on the inside very much. After inspecting the things, she asked Lu'er to deliver those things to Prince Jing's Mansion.

Because Nangong Wushuang lived in the posthouse, she went to the posthouse last time and knew that it was not big and it was not easy to store these things, so she sent them directly to Prince Jing's mansion, but she also sent someone to inform Nangong Wushuang .

Lu'er saw that the embroidery was a bit complicated in her eyes. She saw that the patterns were very unique, and she was afraid that Yunqian had put some thought into it, so she immediately asked someone to put it in a box.

It's time for those rough women to come in to pack things, Yunqian called Lu'er into the back room and said: "This is the first errand you have come to me. I originally intended for Huanyu to do it, but she did it yesterday. I was infected with the wind and cold here, and I still have a bad cough, so I can’t deliver these things. After you take your servants, you have to act more quickly, and you can’t lose the face of the Chu Palace.”

Lu'er hurriedly replied: "Don't worry, Shi Zifei, I will definitely handle this matter properly."

The corner of Yunqian's mouth raised slightly and said, "I hope you won't disappoint me."

After Lu'er left, Huanyu came in from the back room and said, "Concubine Shizi, can she really use it?"

Yun Qian smiled and said: "Whether it can be used or not depends on this time. If she really puts her heart into doing things, then I guessed wrong, and I will naturally have to make up for it in the future. If she has a double heart, then she is good." The day is over."

Her eyes were cold and her eyebrows were light. If you looked closely, you could still see the cold murderous look emanating from her eyes.

Shuxiu came out of the room with a limp on her legs and said, "I'm afraid that even if she is someone with a scheming heart, she has only been in Shizi Concubine's room for a short time, so she won't be so restless!"

Yun Qian glanced at Shuxiu and said, "That's not necessarily true. From their point of view, there will never be too many opportunities. If there is such an opportunity in front of them, they will never miss it. Besides, in the palace, people like Lu'er There are many maids like this."

There was some worry in Shuxiu's eyes, but she didn't speak any more.

It was already lunch time after those embroidered pockets were packed, and Lu'er decided to deliver things to Prince Jing's mansion after lunch.

Lu'er ate her meal very quickly, she was the first to come to the warehouse where the embroidered pockets were stored, her eyes deepened, she looked around, and then put an item in.After she put the things away, she looked around again, and then she left the warehouse and went to the side room.

Huanyu saw this scene clearly, and then rushed to tell Yunqian, the corner of Yunqian's mouth slightly raised: "The fish is hooked, let's have a good show."

Shuxiu shook her head lightly, but did not speak.

After noon, Lu'er ordered someone to carry the things out of the warehouse. When passing the second gate, a servant came in with a cart of charcoal. The man who pulled the charcoal came in very fast. Time collided with something pulling embroidery.

Lu'er said angrily: "Where did the daredevil come from, dare to destroy the things of Shi Zifei!"

PS: I recommend Shiyue's "The Concubine Wushuang: The Prince Kneeled", if you have time, go see it.

(End of this chapter)

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