Chapter 1225
The charcoal puller hurriedly begged for mercy, but Lu'er was still relentless and said: "This is the embroidery that the concubine Shizi gave to Prince Jing, once it gets dirty, it has to be done all over again!"

Her voice was very loud, and it was time for a nap at this time, the entire palace was very quiet, her roar immediately resounded throughout the palace.

When Yunqian heard Lvzhu's voice in the room, she sneered, but did not speak.

Shuxiu asked: "Shi Zifei, should we go there now?"

"At this time, I'm usually taking a nap, so she can't wake me up by yelling like that." Yun Qian said slowly, "Besides, if I show up now, it would be too boring, let's see the excitement first. "

Shuxiu nodded slightly.

However, Lu'er kept scolding the servant pulling charcoal, so angry that Sike's eyes were a little red.

The charcoal puller was always accompanied by Luzhu, and when he heard Lu'er's words, he said softly: "Although these charcoals are dirty, they are all wrapped in cloth, so it may not stain the embroidery inside. Miss Lu'er opened the things to have a look, if something is really dirty, she should report it to Shi Zifei first, and it won't be too late to send it after washing it."

Lu'er heard the words and scolded the charcoal puller a few more times, but she was unwilling to open those things, she just said: "This is a gift from the Crown Princess to King Jing's wedding, and if the gift is given to King Jing, it will be washed with water." , then it becomes old, so how can it be used!"

"But if you don't open it now, how will you know if the contents inside are dirty?" La Tan asked humanely.

The two have been arguing here for such a long time, and they have already alarmed the other masters in the palace. Today, both Chu Yuanzhou and the king of Chu have not returned from the court, and all the aunts in the backyard heard the quarrel here and came over. Find out what's going on.

Princess Chu was about to go to sleep, when she heard the movement outside she frowned slightly, her yard was far away from the second gate, but she could also hear Lu'er's voice.

She frowned involuntarily, and felt a little strange about Yunqian's troublesome things. A few days ago, Chu Yuanzhou gave Chu Yi a congratulatory gift, but Yunqian gave Chu Yi something again today. What is going on!

Although she takes women's reputation lightly, Yunqian is Chu Yuanzhou's wife after all, and she, a mother-in-law, cannot ignore this matter, and besides, if there is such a disturbance at this time, I am afraid that everyone in the palace will be shocked. Knowing that Yunqian and Chu Yi have selfishness, where will Chu Yuanzhou's face be put?
Thinking of this, she said to Yilan: "Help me out to have a look."

Yilan was originally a member of Yunqian's house, and Yunqian had a great kindness to her earlier, when she heard these unfavorable words for Yunqian, she said softly: "Princess, the princess always knows how to act properly, those things The concubine will definitely not do it, what's more, the concubine and the concubine have a very good relationship, and the prince is rarely seen on weekdays, those so-called things are probably created by others out of nothing."

"I can trust Qian'er in doing things." Princess Chu said slowly, "But you can't let the servants see the joke!"

Yilan responded, and hurriedly took the cloak for Princess Chu, then helped Princess Chu go out.

When Princess Chu arrived there, Lu'er was still arguing with the charcoal puller, she almost blushed with anger, but she was unwilling to open those embroidery no matter what.

This move of hers made people suspicious, fearing that there was something shady in the so-called embroidery.

(End of this chapter)

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