Chapter 1230

Yun Qian's eyes brightened when he saw Chu Yuanzhou coming back, and seeing Chu Yi in military uniform behind him, Chu Yi still had the extremely cold face of ice, without a trace of expression, when he came in, But respectfully, he gave a salute to Princess Chu.

When Princess Chu saw Chu Yi, her eyes darkened immediately, but she also returned a salute.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "Ayi, you have become a celebrity in our Chu Palace now, and there are quite a few people in the Chu Palace who admire you."

Chu Yi's eyes were cold, and he said unhurriedly: "I am also a celebrity in Beijing."

"Would you like to come and see in person?" Chu Yuanzhou handed the letter to Chu Yidao.

Chu Yi read the letter: "I never like to read letters, so let the son do it for me!"

Chu Yuanzhou smiled. Lu Zhu didn't expect that Chu Yuanzhou and Chu Yi would come back at this time, so she couldn't help being stunned for a moment. She bit her lips lightly and finally said: "I think this letter is still not read by the prince. Wonderful, this is a letter from the Crown Princess to Prince Jing."

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "A letter written by Qianqian to Ah Yi? This is interesting, let me take a look."

It had been a while since Chu Yi and Chu Yuanzhou came in. When they heard those things, they just smiled lightly. At this moment, he glanced at Yun Qian after hearing Lu Zhu's words, but saw Yun Qian standing there motionless.

His eyes deepened, and he quickly drew his eyes back. Although this was the case, Princess Chu still felt it. She turned her head and looked at Chu Yi. Chu Yi looked cold, and she looked at Yun again. With a quick glance, Yun Qian also looked indifferent.

Princess Chu's eyes darkened, and she sighed softly in her heart.

However, Chu Yuanzhou had already unfolded the letter, and then read aloud: "My nephew Ayi, since the last Lantern Festival, I have never forgotten you. Your graceful figure always haunts me in my dreams. I look forward to meeting you again. I know I am much older than you, but older people know how to love others the most. You are busy with things and have no one to take care of you. Nangong Wushuang is from Tuoyin. You are young, so you must not know how to take care of others. If you are interested, I will see you under the roses on the south wall at noon tomorrow. I miss you, the bamboo that has become a disaster."

After Chu Yuanzhou finished reading this, he couldn't help laughing, and the servants of the palace watching the fun couldn't help but laugh too.

Lu Zhu was shocked and said: "How could this happen? It's clearly not written like this in the letter..."

When she said this, she immediately shut up, and Yun Qian asked with a smile: "If you dare to ask Concubine Lu, what should be written on it?"

Lu Zhu's face suddenly became extremely ugly, Chu Yuanzhou stopped smiling and looked at Chu Yi and said, "Ayi, I really didn't expect you to have such a great charm. After seeing you, Concubine Lu Fang never forgets you. I'm also afraid that Princess Wushuang won't take good care of you, so I want to take care of you!"

Chu Yi's eyes moved slightly, but his face became colder, and he stood there without speaking.

Chu Yuanzhou took a look at Lu Zhu and said: "I thought that what Concubine Lu and Su Changqing did at the foot of Yushi Mountain was just a coincidence. Under normal circumstances, Concubine Lu is a little bit ashamed. I didn't expect you to I have a crooked heart for the current prince. I am really curious, how bad is my father's bed skills and how unsatisfactory you are, which makes you so shameless looking for men everywhere?"

Yun Qian was a little speechless when she heard the words, Chu Yuanzhou really could say anything, but that's fine.

(End of this chapter)

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