Chapter 1231
Lu Zhu's face was a little pale and he said: "I didn't write this, someone wanted to harm me!"

"Hit you? How?" Chu Yuanzhou suppressed the smile on his face and said, "Would you like to read the words on the side of the road?"

Feeling ashamed and annoyed, Lu Zhu snatched the letter from Chu Yuanzhou's hand. She opened the letter and saw that the handwriting on it was her own handwriting.

Although Lu Zhu was born in a merchant family, her family education was very strict. Her father taught her to read and write characters since she was a child. When she was young, she was also known as a talented woman.So she can write gracefully and beautifully.

What she wrote and didn't write, she couldn't be more clear in her heart, she gritted her teeth and said: "I didn't write these words at all!"

Chu Yuanzhou whistled at her disdainfully and said, "Concubine Lu Fang, go and talk to Father Wang about this matter. Anyway, I don't believe what Concubine Lu Fang says. As for whether Father believes it or not, I really don't know." .”

Yun Qian glanced at Chu Yuanzhou, with a smile in her eyes.

And those servants were all pointing at Lu Zhu at this moment, and they looked like they were watching her joke.

She thought she was shrewd all her life, and she acted more carefully this time, but she didn't expect such a result. She pulled Lu'er and said, "Say, did you collude with Yun Qian to frame me?"

Seeing her grim expression, Lu'er felt a little scared in her heart, immediately shook her head and said: "No, I follow the wishes of Concubine Lu Fang, it contains the love letter between Shizi Concubine and Prince Jing, I really don't know what's going on It's going to be like this."

As soon as Lu'er finished speaking, it confirmed everyone's guess.

Concubine Chu's eyes were cold. Sure enough, all of this was Lu Zhu's trick, but it was just used by Yun Qian.

She looked at Lu Zhu coldly and said: "Concubine Lu Fang is very scheming, I have seen it today! It turns out that Concubine Lu Fang is interested in Prince Jing and wants to frame me, but she took the wrong love letter. Concubine Lu Fang is really a concubine." Wonderful man!"

Lu Zhu hated her deeply. She knew that keeping that note would only give others a handle. Fortunately, the king of Chu is not here today. As long as she doesn’t leave evidence for the king of Chu, she still has a chance to stand .

She put her heart to one side and stretched out her hand to tear up the paper. Chu Yuanzhou was prepared, and then he tapped Lu Zhu's numb point with his finger, and then said unhurriedly: "This letter is still Wait until the father has seen it before deciding whether to destroy it or keep it, Concubine Lu Fang, you really worked hard today."

Lu Zhu's eyes closed slightly. By this time, she had roughly understood the whole story. When Yun Qian was about to transfer Lu'er into the room from the study, she thought it was Xiang Yunqian's room The Lisai people had a great opportunity, but they didn't expect this to be a trap at all.

She wanted Lu'er to reveal this matter. As long as the matter was successful, even if Yun Qian had Chu Yuanzhou's protection and would not leave the Chu Palace, her reputation would be ruined, and she could take the opportunity to come back when she was in charge of Zhongfu.

Now that I think about those things carefully, I feel that there are actually some flaws in the middle, but she has stumbled in Yun Qian's hands one after another, and she is already a little anxious, but she is not as calm as when she first shot Yun Qian.

She stood there, her face suddenly ashen.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Yun Qian, Yun Qian's eyes were extremely indifferent, but there was a sneer at the corner of her mouth, she was clearly mocking Lu Zhu for being too self-righteous.

(End of this chapter)

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